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A Wet Tissue

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Everything posted by A Wet Tissue

  1. slumped in summer-september when sv was fucking you in the butt
  2. sv lost to cp ye but beat fi foe doom rd and cp in the past? we're definitely not the best but we aren't the worst.
  3. I'd like to get the surgery, but i'm 17 and not sure if my eyes are ready yet since I'm still growing. My mom had this done about 10 years ago @@Known 2 Pown and she had bad eyesight like me (about -3.00 prescription) and she's had 20/20 ever since. also it's expensive. being able to see without contacts/glasses would make my life a lot easier though.
  4. how does LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TOPIC turn into a fight between you and someone from tlp or some other clan about your real life situations and how great you are at your job or whatever??? it's legit every clan discussion topic have this fucking "who's broccolied and whos cool irl" convo in private for once, we've all seen it enough times holy fuck
  5. whys everyone flaming? obv 07> priv servers but pre eoc stuff with clanning is fun still
  6. Sv stands for tupid diots

  7. you probably wouldn't pull 125 every trip if your ml was that big. with that number comes people who aren't as active as your current ml who are dedicated. i mean, they kinda dominated 2014. not so much 2015. @ ye bro?? i slumped ur clan lmfao
  8. how have u been pulling 70+ then lol. no way every single member showed up + 3 invites
  9. gratz sv

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. A Wet Tissue

      A Wet Tissue

      @Palo what have you done except hop from clan to clan leak in some and get banned from others, all the while thinking you're some internet badass for calling someone "a fokn tomato dscim shaped 4hed m8" with your potato masher little costa rican accent? fucking degenerate get the fuck off my status update

    3. A Wet Tissue

      A Wet Tissue

      btw ur brown sticky stuff at soccer

    4. blaze
  10. so are u rejoining sv once doom starts pulling below 40
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