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Everything posted by Adam_

  1. thank you for admitting im right :]
  2. welllllllllllllllllllllll you said sv is ded..... but you have a ded clan in your sig????????????
  3. @Kanicus @Sm0ky GRATZ GMT

    1. Gibbo
    2. Sm0ky


      ye gibbo stfu wierdo.


      ye adam ur right #gmt

    3. Kanicus


      Ahhhh yes #GMT


      @Gibbo play nicely

  4. lookat your sig lmao
  5. this account is used by multiple people monkey boy duval
  6. im guessing this is an eop acc lmao
  7. gratz @@Moni big smokey monir fat smoke init smoker
  8. cd closed l00000000l gratz don and zeke
  9. imagine being brown irl l0000000000l
  10. hahahahha you seem really mad? is it because your brown and look like a monkey????? orrrr because cd closed lmao
  11. no you dont lmao, even tbr is joining eom soon hahahah! what am i up to? ask ya ma lmao, silly monkey
  12. all i know is supremacy legit suck lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sup ded lmfao
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