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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. Set out today with a peak of 40 autists for our weekly P2P Sunday Smackdown. Chode Flower Pixel Started out with a fight against LY. Killed a few before Fi and Rage crashed. Next up rushed Hydra in Falador, they teleported out. We then smoked Zenith who tried to fight back. Apex would make an appearance and we pulled into single to single-multi both clans but both ran away. Full sent it through the main war and ran over zenith, eventually pushing into the singles pocket with them sending them away. Repositioned ourselves and rushed Terror who insta-tabbed, then GWAS'd zenith who tried coming up the stairs, resulting in them running away. Rushed Hydra vs Legacy west of GDZ and owned. Part 1. Hydra caught a regroup and we rushed them. We fought for a while until Rage and Fatality showed up, at which point it turned into a free-for-all in the holy land. We would end up in a fight for the center of the hut with Hydra until they gave up returning. Part 2. After clearing out the birth place of our lord and savior harambe, we re-engaged ourselves with Rage & Fi, setting up GWAS opportunities as they arose. This went on for about an hour until Rage came near the sacred holy land and we swarmed it like Kabul Airport. OG VS WG As we were wrapping up our GDZ stomp, Wilderness Guardians happened to be nearby so we swarmed out of GDZ and chased them out faster than america fled afghanistan
  2. This is a cute read from a clan that takes abuse from me;


    "You threatened us, You used mains against us, You doxed us and we took it personal. And all of #Ant-Zenith knows what happens when we take things personal..."

  3. this is something i've agreed with entirely since coming back to this game, the present matter of CWA resulted in almost all of the newer clans that opened over the past few years having almost zero interest in cwa. "its 20##, who cares" - everyone that ended up crying when things got cancer in 2014, 16 & now.
  4. I'll add an actual contribution to this topic, rather than being dismissive overall. First, I would genuinely like to know what it is you think you're accomplishing with this "movement", specifically - how is this any different to what we just went through? To elaborate, for the past 4 years there has essentially been a lower-bracket within the scene as it is, a total of around 20 clans. Second, and this is the most important - have any of you who want this to happen, ever stopped to recognize the fact that while there were 20 of these newer clans and all of them, with the exception of Resistance and Terror have been both P2P Wilderness based and hostile toward clan wars? Every single one of these clans had these exact traits in common. You all neglected helping mould and let them grow into traditional clanners so that when their clans closed, they wouldn't all just up and quit like they did. So what's going to be different this time that doesn't drive away all the new people?
  5. you are just upset that unbreakable got bodied during the last reset
  6. Wishful thinking. This will not work, you are wasting your time and energy and I can make that statement confidently based off of the first sentence of this topic. While you are free to make a separate scene understand that as soon as it opens, we're following you. I don't even need to make a new account either. You also have no enforcement mechanism, which dooms this fantasy from the beginning.
  7. it comes as no suprise that zenith were the first to break. 🤷‍♂️

    1. Zenny


      we will have a pov

      you wont l000000l

    2. Godfather


      zenith ended with 12 😘 

  8. zenith is my bitch

    get used to it pussies

    1. Zenny


      Ur never getting ur cape back l00000000000l

      knee bender 

    2. Godfather
  9. Set out with 35 autists for todays p2p smackdown, trip consisted of owning 1 long cluster and smoking a bunch of starving brown kids in single who didn't get the memo. chode Started out hitting a fight at Boneyard, fought Fi, BP and LY until everyone was gone. Still on the same inventory we ran down to corp to see if anyone would try and come back and this then turned into a 30 minute 1v1 between us and BP ft. occasional clans rushing for all of 10 seconds and then leaving us to continue our fight. After around 40 mins of fighting, it was just us in multi with a bunch of clans in single so we took this time to bank Logged into a world, jump street happened to be there, we went north to catch a fall in but instead they decided they wanted a singles fight which resulted in them getting run through. Sicarios a bunch of hungry brown spanish speakers got into a singles fight with us which, despite telling us not to leave resulted in them bailing after 20 minutes.
  10. Set up PKRI with Ly, owned them. Punching bag did not dare show face today but we still ruined their f2p fight afterwards. Pixel Chode Smushface First fight was at GDZ, believe it was 29v25. We smoked. Sicarios logged in and got skull fucked. Ly complained about fighting opts so we told 6 people to fuck off, fought CA and owned.
  11. Set up a small opts pkri with some team called OFA, they had something like 15 or so. the clan worlds punching bag logged in part way through this and as with every time they have ever tried to go near Onslaught, it ended in humiliation. also fought BC for 30 minutes after we kicked zenith out of p2p ft. OFA Logged in, owned OFA. Zenith logged in and were publicly humiliated. Ran Zenith over at East Bandits. OFA Ran OFA over at 26 hill
  12. 12 mountains, leaked and steamrolled:



  13. i have fun killing clans tho
  14. The guy below me will forever stay below me

  15. customer support does not answer the phone during trip times
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