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Everything posted by WhiteMonkey

  1. Maybe because ur ranks were ignoring us to setup an actual fight haha =P
  2. 3 year slump..? you believe eops propaganda don't you lmaoo. Eop was literally dying last year untill TLP saved them from death by helping them out in every fight. Also pretty sure we pulled the 3rd highest this sunday haha slumping br0
  3. we pulled more than you so what does that make you oO
  4. Let's prep then if ur so confident =P or set up a fight with us in multi we were down to do that yday but ur ranks kept ignoring us =]
  5. Eop slumps > starts using mains typical lmaooo

    1. Range Grudge

      Range Grudge

      eom is just a main snipe team at this point l0l

    2. Range Grudge

      Range Grudge

      soon they will try n go after fi again for hype but fi gonna kill them haha

    3. WhiteMonkey


      lol we are ready

  6. haha it time for eops yearly slump and tlp isnt there to save them this time
  7. Not at all buddy. Worry about ur 40 man pulls =P
  8. If you think one prep win makes them win a rivalry..? We won more than that and made them pull 10s lol
  9. Pretty sure Fi killed Rd completely and one of the people that helped killing them is now ur leader can u imagine that lmaoooo
  10. Nice but rd always sucked mostly cus of people like you though lmao
  11. i know you are new but on osrs alone Fi pretty much closed everyone in 2014 lmao
  12. sure probably soon. Pretty sure Fi prepped ub the most after moving down lol.
  13. Both of you are scared to prep UB so making these kind of topics really makes you look like bitches. Walli would be ashamed lol.
  14. is that why jordon is talking? and obviously its a midweek...?
  15. does this new rage clan have a site?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Logic


      Yeah it's supremacy-rs.com we tigers now

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Only thing AAO killed was AAO

    4. Infernape


      dont call it a Rage clan, it is mostly Ex-RD members ty

  16. @@B-ryan @@Jordon @ @@Zee @@Koed Beastly im starting to feel bad lol
  17. Fatality set out this Sunday with 50 warriors and got solid action despite multiple clans attempting to crash. >> We desperately were looking forward to a clean fight vs Misfits, a clan who spend a lot of time and resources to attempt to dismantle us today. They unfortunately refused to accept a clean PKRI offer from us through 45 minutes into the trip, at which point we were fed up with their behavior and decided to take them in singles while they were busy explaining how we had mains and refused to fight them, typical propoganda expected. We fought them in singles at around lumberyard in W325 for a little while before other clans decided to crash, at which point we felt it was appropriate to leave. >> While Misfits continued to avoid us while their numbers dropped and their chances of victory became even slimmer, they decided to fight Apex at boneyard as an attempt to re-energize their clan after a humiliating singles defeat. We decided this was not appropriate and decided to take both clans out and claimed another sweeping victory! >> We finished off our trip after MF ended and decided to fight Apex and Intense Redemption right north of CA after everybody else ended or went to Clan Wars. We prevailed over both clans and left right after due to the abnormal number of raggers. -Enjoy the media below- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFBcQZxYlE4 btw extra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xODorgdyZ3g pics more here https://clan-fi.org/topic/68663-fatalitys-sunday-bees-are-only-around-in-the-summer/
  18. didnt eop pull 40 today? Fi pulled 50+ lmao
  19. eop and misfits are dead lmao

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