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Everything posted by WhiteMonkey

  1. no we *forfeited* cause we dont give a fuck about sharkbrew cotm lmao and if u lose ranks u replace them othewise ur not a good enough clan if u cant take losing a few ranks. Literally what ur flaming Fi for when they lost alot of ranks 2 years ago and they brought it back with newer ranks apart from whisky/couck lmfao
  2. when eop says fi is slumping but they pull 4 less than them lmao

    1. Sarge


      Aren't you like losing to Misfits or something? lmfao

    2. 0ldschooler


      fi pulled 60 today?

  3. I mean Fi is 9-0 right now and pulled 60 in hpc when everyone went down. I don't know if the eop propaganda gotten to you or what lmao. Fi was gonna close eop just last year untill TLP saved them and helped them in all their fights even tlp ranks like @@Range Grudge and sh*t can confirm this if u want. I really don't care if you try and talk brown sticky stuff but u can't back it up seeing as you declined f2p preps against ub so ur not really #1 f2p matched after one arguable win lol this guy said p2p is down to luck lmao bless
  4. Rage didn't close on top lmao you guys are like 0-20 in p2p calm down all u were decent at was clicking pizza for a month. These guys just sucking ur dick to try and recruit you don't be delusional lmao
  5. I think ur very new if you think that lmao. Tlp literally saved u from death just last year hush sup cant compete with those clans lmao
  6. i think its more awkward that foe+eop are teaming lol
  7. Well holydreams and jamz are their leaders lmao..
  8. I know just funny. Reminded me that TLP literally saved EOP from being completely death lmao
  9. When eop cant compete they resort to mains indeed
  10. You crashed our fights vs ir+ apex and expect not to be crashed urself lmfao. Anyway we were outside killing people and you ran out when we went in scimming and u ran like the little bitches that went 0-5 against us
  11. THE PURE ELITES started this magnificent Saturday Trip with 40 Green Beasts, later peaking at 43. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSH1QXL2bj4 We started the day right by having a nice little warmup down 5 agains't Apex @Dark Warriros Fortress Instantly our lower pull gave Apex a quick advantage, however with our superior warriors mixed in with great calling. We strategically singled out Apex members 1 by 1, quickly narrowing the lead and then taking it. Apex was reduced to single digits on the cape counter so we decided to dip before the fight got crashed by EoP and Su. Supremacy; unhappy with no action approached us for a fight and we engaged at 38 altar. The fight was crashed by Apex a while later. We then forced Su out of the altar where they never dared return. Apex was left behind to feel the wrath of the real green beasts and got completely cleared off the map leaving Fatality as the last clan standing. Fatality Intelligence got word of a cluster going on at Vetion Vents. We were running around in a fall in trying to figure which clan was a good hit. Finally we decided that Intense Redemption was a free target. With a small amount of members remaining from the cluster and clueless to the fact we were next to them in a fall in. IR got smoked in a matter of seconds where we then ran into Supremacy. We chased Supremacy down all the way to corp and dipped west before FoE could get a chance to touch us. We later got word that Su/Ir were fighting at corp and ended their fight as soon as they saw green capes rushing.
  12. We heard misfits was out with 10 strong people (yikes) so we quickly massed up a few pure elites to chase them around the wilderness for 2 hours. We killed them at gdz/new gate and ca a few times. Oh we also ran into foe and killed them. Oh we made bank too Videotapes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXatLNmeU8s pics more here https://clan-fi.org/topic/68607-fatalitys-friday-chasing-misfitskilling-foe/ ty for donations @@B-ryan @@Koed Beastly @@Jordon @
  13. hey sorry for the bump but i KNOW that when you were leader u were doing castle wars with 8 people on weekends.
  14. typical misfits tele'ing out when the other clan is still out there lmao
  15. ofcourse you wouldn't know newbundle of twigs l0l
  16. it's a mini lmao. You guys get so hyped over a dumb 6v6 or whatever it was. We dont mini with the same 6 people like u guys do. Everyon in Fatality minis so obviously we gonna lose some. If you are so confident prep us? lmao thought so. https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/35605-fatality-vs-eop-p2p-miniwar/
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma_qRLlm9C0
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