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Everything posted by Warbow

  1. I keep my 78 combat 60 att in the lpc combat and my zerk out of the game Your acc is still fucking garbage. Make a new one eith some 90 stats
  2. Dead ass tho, y'all need to stop bitching about 3 combats. A 40 att 99 str acc is 73 combat, no overheads like your noob ass. That is an xlpc acc not a fucking lpc account. Your acc legit has triple 81s and 44 prayer. That is more of a price if brown sticky stuff lpc acc than 1 prayer
  3. Why do you think you are relevant and people give a damn about what you have to stay. You are legit a pisser from 308 with pooper accounts
  4. Yo chill buhl. You are legit preaching love to the devil. Straight useless. But legit tho flawless needs to stop being a bunch of pussies. You are legit wasting hours of your life complaining about 5 combat levels on a game created in 2007. Man up
  5. No open clan has beaten litmob in a mini tho. We have been #1 matched clan in 308 for the past 2 years. Your clan is 10% overheads? Either you need some Math help, or you are a broccoli
  6. Holy brown sticky stuff vision was one of the worst teams litmob has ever closed. Was ez
  7. Litmob is out perfecting 308 noobs in clan wars
  8. Why do you post on all of the xlpc topics exposing how you don't care? Bruh if you see XLPC in the title don't kick on it.
  9. Holy brown sticky stuff! This guy and his phone pictures bro!! Legit just take a screenshot pls
  10. Litmob wins. @ we'd win. Is ez
  11. Who dis? @@Stewbert tem?
  12. Pic got perfected by litmob. Was ez. Ty for 3-0. Stay brown sticky stuff Fh pulls more than ascent. Fh also didn't have half of their team leave bc you guys are retards. Was ez. Litmob closed ascent.
  13. Gz outburst. Ty 4 action
  14. Outburst wins again. Ty 4 action
  15. Everyone in our clan has an lpc account about more than 3/4 of us are in lpcs atm - outburst
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