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Everything posted by Wardy

  1. I had no idea UF still existed to be completely honest.
  2. Go ahead. Just don't make it personal
  3. Yeah we hate vegetarians. Fixed up the post, forgot the word filter applies to me too Gl.
  4. TL;DR: Some rules rewritten. New rule about impersonation. New guidelines for moderators. More warnings. New rules and moderation guidelines will be in effect on the 9th of July 2016, 12:01am EST. Over the course of Sharkbrew's history, moderation has always been a problem. We've been through multiple rule changes as the site as grown and we've consistently adapted due to community feedback. However, the way the rules have been enforced has honestly been lackluster, to say the least. It's been inconsistent and seems to change without notice. What we've decided to do is give the current ruleset a bit of a cleanup in an attempt to remove ambiguity as so many of you have been telling me about. On top of that, a new guide on moderation is in the process of being written. Essentially, we're attempting to not only clean up the scummy behaviour that resides on the forums at the moment, but also maintain consistency when decisions in moderation need to be made. Below I've gone through a few of the wording changes that have been made, as well as the reasoning behind these decisions. link to the full rules Engage in Personal Insults/Attacks This rule has always brought us a lot of trouble. It's existed since the dawn of Sharkbrew and gone through many iterations. While the wording hasn't changed, I would like to discuss our new policy as to how we will be moderating the rule. Moderation and acceptable behaviour on Sharkbrew is changing and you will need to adapt. We will take action when one user directly targets another individual with malicious intent. Can I call someone cauliflower/tomatoic/autistic etc? No. You can call their clan cauliflower or call people in general cauliflower however. We draw the line when someone is being directly targeted. Can I insult/attack a clan? Yes. A clan is not an individual. What if I say something unintentionally and it upsets someone? No action will be taken against you (Lack of malicious intent). However if the behaviour continues then action will be taken. Can I insult someone based on how good they are at Runescape? No. Criticism is perfectly acceptable, however the line is drawn when you attempt to insult or attack another individual, regardless of the topic. If someone insults me, can I insult them back? No. Report the post so a moderator can deal with it. You are just as bad as the person who insulted you if you feel the need to retort with similar behaviour. If any of this does not make sense to you, let me know. Leak: Clan Information By far the biggest change out of all the rules. Leaking clan information is now ALLOWED. Yes, you read that correctly. Note that this change is NOT in effect until July 9th. It's important to note that any information that you do decide to leak must be directly related to Runescape clanning. A conversation in a private teamspeak channel about soccer or the weather is not relevant to Runescape clanning, therefore it will be removed. Your Neopets clan is also not relevant on Sharkbrew. The personal information leak ban is still in effect as well, so if you are planning to post leaked content, ensure that it is still void of any information that could be considered personal. The reason we've made this change is because it's been an endless battle trying to combat leaking. Everyone knows it happens, there's no point trying to hide it. Clans will find a way to get the information out there anyway, so a no tolerance policy towards leaking is just simply unviable. However, we want to draw a line somewhere. Sharkbrew is a Runescape clanning website. Content that isn't relevant to Runescape clanning will be removed and those who fail to adhere to this will be punished accordingly. Misrepresentation It's been a problem in the past with someone pretending to be somewhere they are not. Creating an account or changing your name to impersonate another person will result in either your name being changed or your forum account being banned. However, accounts created with purpose of humour and satire are exempt from this rule, similar to the fair use law in the US. We don't want to punish creative individuals who contribute to the community, rather just punish those who are being an asshole in general.
  5. I haven't had an internet connection the past two weeks, so I actually don't know the specific circumstances of what the fuck is going on nor have I voted for or against anything. When I know more, I'll give a more appropriate response to the topic. Fuck the mods.
  6. @@Moni the gfx are going downhill Nice win though
  7. Idk, you're just making yourself sound desperate to me.
  8. You spend too much time dwelling on who you were rather than what you have become.
  9. How are videos from 1+ years ago relevant today?
  10. I'd be surprised if Dome lost this one tbh.
  11. Helps if you cover up his name properly.
  12. TLP made a very poor decision, I think we all know that.
  13. Nobody mentioned me in this topic at all. Cmon.
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