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Everything posted by Aquaxi

  1. I don't think you know who I am silly 2k19 clanner ahahaaa Ah yes, another brainwashed monkey joins the required Rage SB accounts Sit Lalo lmfao Gj sitting in the public chans and watching the activity chat LOL
  2. Thank you brother Parm Supremacy big honor clan wanted to keep it main free, but alas
  3. Honor Clan Supremacy makes sure to keep the wilderness clean from dogshit Rat-tality
  4. We teled out while on the tree line in multi lol , I personally was camped by a med for half the fight for some reason those same meds didn't touch yall. You spammed sup cleared with 12 in game after we teled out w/ 25-30 lol, i shoulda takem the screenshot on my scout post fight lol.
  5. supremacy rs cc / www.supremacy-rs.com / supremacy.verygames.net We massed up 25 Tigers to clear up the caves, later peaking at 45 for a PKRI vs MF. To start off the trip, we ran into 20 bears and smoked them with ease. After an hour or so of killing vennies, we decided to set up a PKRI vs Misfits at boneyard. Despite fighting down 10 off the start, we held our own and managed to maintain even opts throughout the majority of the fight. We finished off the fight with 30+ opts to their 20 before a main clan rushed and both clans teled. GF Misfits.
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