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Everything posted by Murd

  1. No, #frogman had the best!!!!!!!!!!
  2. How else am I supposed to be entertained on this site porky
  3. Name a time he's talked haha You're a troll account, you aren't supposed to sweat over posts people make porkchop!
  4. If it was true how does Swelly have a voice, answer that!!
  5. Is the punchline of the vid [fi]swelly talking
  6. Well just look at what's happened every time PCL has been attempted in 07. "Hey guys let's stop going in the wildy and go to clan wars we'll have so many fights!" > after 2 hours of sitting at clan wars only 2 fights have occured
  7. Murd


    Yeah so is him hacking accounts and ddossing people but you can't play the disabled card there
  8. #Frogman/#team-outbreak ok
  9. Mandatory scout killers leggo
  10. Face Off is a 10/10 movie
  11. Instinctively I would assume FI+TLP due to experience, but as history has shown underdogs do sometimes show some amazing efforts to come out with the win. It should be a very close fight tbh.
  12. We are known for setting records man
  13. Replacing one cancer with another isn't curing it you freak
  14. Man I thought these people said EoP members were terrible, but I'm seeing some badass motherfuckers
  15. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Solo was taken advantage of so easily....
  16. The wilderness is safe once more
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