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Everything posted by Murd

  1. Strong performance, especially that round 3 clutch
  2. Murd


    It doesn't happen to look like this by any chance?
  3. Wtf flame, I'm simply praising you on pulling more today than you did on Saturday silly!
  4. Murd


    They must be some pretty brown sticky stuffty condoms then, they don't seem to be working too well
  5. Anything that gives a boost in players will be beneficial for the size of the pure community. I'm sure it will definitely help out the lpc community. Depending on whether or not jagex make any of their brainstormed F2P nerfs, it could also keep a number of people in the community who would've elsewise quit due to not wanting to pay for membership. For what I see, it can only be good news for the longevity of the community.
  6. Was fun, wheres the nigga @@Birthday @ with his depressed comments?
  7. @ you gotta stop making @@Birthday all emotional, he doesn't like you bullying him
  8. Did I strike a nerve again? Lets hope this time you don't boycott the site for a few days
  9. Last time you all cancelled P2P Fridays for PCL and claimed it would last forever, lasted 2 weeks and then died out lmao
  10. How is it a flame? He is simply stating it is the highlight of RD's week you emotional slave
  11. Nah, for their quality he did pretty well. One pizza half and a swordy, give this guy mvp
  12. I don't think their members being forced to get 20 Defence helped out... I spot at least 3 kos in that short time
  13. Good luck having a Pure Community that treats each other with respect If you want to see people treating eachother nicely you should go to daycare
  14. @@Birthday @@Erik you boys ready to apologize or shall we put you into single digits?
  15. Straight from cp's topic; We decided go pay a clan a visit doubt being down 20 & dealing with mains(Take advice of cronics stop bringing mains) Someone needs English lessons haha
  16. Why would we fight in singles!! Come and play with the big dogs in multi son
  17. Talking about the 15~ sv that rushed us ten seconds before you rushed and together you were both only able to kill 2 people before being pushed back to mossies? Come on shiny we need some better excuses from ya
  18. Thanks for the fights lads, looking forward to the incoming 1v5 next weekend =] @@Birthday @@Erik what happened lads? You ain't gonna find pure clans at rune rocks/kbd during the f2p trip haha
  19. The day after we get hacked they pull 22. I think they might know their place now
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