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Everything posted by Grayson

  1. Let me give you some statistics btw. Since this rivalry started; Prep records: Doom- 1 Sv - 0
  2. Honestly @BloodArrow is a pretty sick caller
  3. Lmfao CD is winning the rivalry? Do you think if they legitimately 3-0ed us last time they'd be declining our prep offers? We got rid of their ip grabbers (with which they used to get our ips our last prep and hit us off). We've been trying to fight them ever since we changed our ips. The only time they claim to do anything to us is in the wild and they bring so many mains it's pretty pathetic lol and we still clear them.
  4. How ironic this is posted on a topic about who takes this game too serious l0l @
  5. "Ur the smartist persin" Please tell me that's a joke
  6. If CD legitimately 3-0ed us again why would they always decline our prep offers? Only explanation is something changed between then and now. AKA, they no longer have our ips.

  7. Actually I was at Saturday's, and we do have a topic. Who are you again? http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/10593-dooms-saturday-f2p-pk-trip/ Please, take a seat.
  8. On my phone and having trouble locating cd's weekend topic, can some1 link me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Retard Army

      Retard Army

      I'll try very hard finding it on my pc

    3. Benk


      so ur not even at ur computer and cd is on ur mind

    4. Grayson


      @ThatBoyRange where are your weekend topics? I'm just trying to find them..

  9. Boring being in a rivalry where your rival only fights xl, remedy, velocity, envy, and judgement.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Buky


      clan wars is fuckin brown sticky stuff real clans fight in the wild

    3. Swagman11


      We fought Op and Velocity is Doom members + we 3-0 doom.

    4. موني


      @Swagman11 U just declined a declaration?

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