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Kuru San

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Everything posted by Kuru San

  1. LT ain't scared of your 100s, we have naseers 37 defence to back us up.
  2. Rofl zenith is trash, zu smacks you all day. Zenith might as well never closed because i'd still consider them hpc looolz
  3. Rofl supremacy teams with destruction. Destruction teams w/ bv l00l!!
  4. Downyz I know you're my leader but you just made yourself look broccolied.
  5. Rofl Destruction won't full out us, pussies?!?

  6. Sucks we lost the first round. Whoever was calling, it was terrible. Gj carrying 2-1 though!
  7. this ^^Gj guys we owned them even though they out levelled us like crazy. Zenith is basically still an hpc under an lpc name.
  8. I think LT would win because naseer's 37 defence is just too stronk.
  9. Kuru San


    Welcome, you should join leet tactics instead.
  10. Dind't look to easy because it was 2-1. Misleading topic. Nonetheless, lt will smack you good job!
  11. l000000l you guys got 2-1 by BV ROFL!!
  12. Oh, zu kids posted this topic. Expected from this mossgiant cunts.
  13. Probably LOwkey. Kid's a spaz, and a trash rank.
  14. Final Ownage Elite does not care about their trips anymore.
  15. Looks like zu is kkkeekekekleared ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Rofl you guys talk about pure community. Parm, I'm in cv but imma have to expose you buddy. Anyways, both of you were in SV, the clan that ruined it all. They couldnt compete as pures so they resorted to bringing mains, ddosing, hacking. SV was never a good clan, LMFAO! And to this day they continue to tarnish the pure community. They are a main clan these days, who can't compete with the brown sticky stufftiest main clans, so they go on cp's trip to hit pures. Garbage.
  17. If you're reading this topic, most likely you were cleared by #Conviction. The Pink Reign is back.
  18. Just reading this sentence gave me cancer. You don't even have basic sentence structure skills. l000l. Mercy, never forget.
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