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Posts posted by GuWoP

  1. The problem is that all you that were 12 in 2010 are now drugged out 18 year Olds listening to Lil pump and taking xans.  The Pure community in 2010 was good not because of you 18 yr old kids who were 12 back then, it was good because of the ogs like me who were 20 at the time. 

    All you little shits that are ranks now are to blame for the toxicity and lack of honor in the pure community. If you would learn respect and try to enjoy the game rather than ruin it for others, things would be 10x better.  

    There is a reason people are opening non toxic pure clans. And the reason is you.


    And there's a huge difference between being soft, and trying to be an honorable Clan. There's nothing soft about Clan honor.

  2. Figured I should make an intro. 

    Old school player, purist. Been in the clanning community since 2004.  Always had pures but never got into pure Clanning much. Joined a few pure clans but was never really active.

    Most of my Clanning career was spent in community clans like Spiritz and Ashes of Zamorak.  Probably unknown to most of you. I colead AOZ for a few years until close and then reopened it for a few years with a few members who were still active. 

    I think the community has serious problems and I'm going to call all your bs out. 

  3. What is the biggest problem facing the pure community at the moment?

    Not large enough Pvp base, toxicity in community. 

    What suggestion do you have that could fix this said problem?

    Include more in depth pvp on tutorial island for new players. Add a stake option to clan wars. Will give incentives for a clean clan war in the arena instead of these toxic wilderness pkris with multiple clans and mains. 

    How should the unified council or committee decide on which suggestion to push for?

    Not on shark brew. 

  4. Another thing I've noticed. Clans post topics calling out other clans for bringing mains, and you look at the vids and screenshots and both teams have mains. Just break it off already. You're all toxic if both sides are bringing mains to the Pure fight.   Get past your egos and just stop bringing mains to get the upper hand. It's a vicious cycle and you need to quit pointing fingers at other clans and look in the mirror. Every topic I see showing "mains" clearly both clans are bringing them. And don't say they're anti crash mains. Pathetic. 

  5. 7 hours ago, WaR Prodigy said:

    Been in the clan for 7 months clan was fun overall but ended horribly, the peak of my experience was having a 65 pull on Sunday also was High Council of the clan for 3 months. 

    R.i.P WaR 2018-2018






    Sucks as you were quitting you took it upon yourself to sabotage other members accounts that were paying you for services. 

    Let it be known prodigy from war stole Mills off innocent members and ruined their accounts with defense. 

    I understand you don't want to be in the clan but that's a sorry move to do to clan mates who had nothing to do with ranks decisions and movements. 

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