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Trauma Officially raises the combat cap


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Imo the 80 combat cap is already extremely high for an lpc, I personally wanted it to stay at 69, maybe low 70s at a stretch. What part of "Maxed 1 def 60 attack" seems like a low level pure account? I understand that higher level accounts come to wildy fights, and I understand that certain clans ask for exceptions for clan wars fights, but these should be exceptions and no the rule. For me the day lpcs go above 80 combat cap is the day lpcs become mpcs.

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Imo the 80 combat cap is already extremely high for an lpc, I personally wanted it to stay at 69, maybe low 70s at a stretch. What part of "Maxed 1 def 60 attack" seems like a low level pure account? I understand that higher level accounts come to wildy fights, and I understand that certain clans ask for exceptions for clan wars fights, but these should be exceptions and no the rule. For me the day lpcs go above 80 combat cap is the day lpcs become mpcs.

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Imo the 80 combat cap is already extremely high for an lpc, I personally wanted it to stay at 69, maybe low 70s at a stretch. What part of "Maxed 1 def 60 attack" seems like a low level pure account? I understand that higher level accounts come to wildy fights, and I understand that certain clans ask for exceptions for clan wars fights, but these should be exceptions and no the rule. For me the day lpcs go above 80 combat cap is the day lpcs become mpcs.

Yeah unfortunately no one cares about these types of opinions, the idea is to win not be ideological


If bringing a few high combat pures from another clan will get you ahead, you're either gonna do it or remain a second rate clan that caters to the white knights/minority of the pure community

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