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[F2P] Supremacy Tigers ruin terrors tea party Ft. Apex/Terror/BP/LY


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supremacy rs cc / www.supremacy-rs.com / supremacy.verygames.net



Not only did Terror get absolutely fucked today, they managed to kick 4 innocent members and STILL miss 3 of our leaks out of their 30 man pull LOOL!
Today Supremacy Peaked 42 tigers and had a trip full of action and fights. We managed to clear Terror not only once but TWICE while listening to their demoralizing audio.
whenever Terror was bankstanding and regrouping their mains we had great action with Apex and BP.


Starting of our saturday we setup a fight vs Apex at the Wizards tower. Stood our ground while being a few down, after like 10 minutes it got crashed by Pink capes and we made sure to farm some rune sets before banking for our next fight. Gf apex
Later we setup another fight versus APEX west of bandits and we ruled the trip the entire time for like 20 minutes straight. Never dropped below 35 with our 40 strong tigers. 
After 20 minutes BP crashed with around 25 pures and made sure to move east of apex and create a sandwich effect on apex. We dropped some apex and bp kids and took their loot when they pushed west in singles.
East of bandits we found dog shit Terror clan, Since their vennies were still buying supplies at GE we rushed them and dropped their 30 Broken wolves to 20 in a matter of seconds. Their mains arrived but we stood our ground and never dropped below 35 pures in game. Later got crashed by legacy and when terror was wiped of the minimap we moved it to single and banked up.


After the slaughter we had before, we wanted more wolf blood and made sure we got it. We spotted Terror once again east of bandits and made sure to remind them why they will always be below us, Due to our Piling and binding even the mains dropped in 0,5 sec, and dropped the terror pure counter below 15 in a matter of seconds. Terror ran to singles and we made sure to follow them to the bank and the trip with a nice spam. After 10 seconds the Terror dogs went silent and we could hear their demoralished audio about why the mains were so slow with returning....
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