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Everything posted by Heismberg

  1. yh an anonymous eop member bullied me out of fi, u got some skills boy
  2. that's ironic. less than a year ago you got bullied out of eop and then went to cheerlead hz and when you say 'we' what do you even do in eop apart from making aftermath topics?
  3. We didn't dip west after the gwas most people tanked it and then you got cleared. Gz on winning the second fight and thanks for the action
  4. we did bring the best. they just happen to be in foe as well
  5. I think we can all agree that pretty much everyone has experienced the feeling of loneliness, sadness, anger, or just the feeling of being upset. It’s even worse when you don’t understand why you feel so horrible. But you have to remember that no one else is to blame for your mood. You need to make yourself happy. No one can feel happiness for you…you need to do it yourself. You know there’s a strong person inside holding it all together, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to laugh or smile with people that you cherish. So find that person and be that person. Do things you love, read an amazing and uplifting book, pray to God if that’s what you believe, talk to your mom she’s usually always available to talk…I mean she didn’t birth you for nothing!, just ask someone you love to give you compliments without fear of being judged because if they truly loved you they would understand and would love to give you compliments, and make sure to give the compliments back because that always feels awesome, take the hottest shower you’ve ever taken and metaphorically wash away all impurities and imperfections, study, get A’s, learn to play an instrument, draw something beautiful, occupy yourself with new and exciting things. If you’re battling depression I have to tell you I’m definitely not a doctor, but the best I can tell you is to just surround yourself with people. Never be alone. Let people know you’re going through a rough time and I promise SOMEONE will be willing to help and be willing to be there for you. But if not, me & Kiko always are no matter who you are! Just keep in mind the only person that can provide genuine happiness is yourself, be strong enough to find that person inside you and use it! Be happy and do good brown sticky stuff.
  6. Not sure why it died out those high ops 2v2 and 2v3 fights were fun
  7. Heismberg


    I voted yes yesterday as well umad
  8. The last wildy pkri i attended that didn't get crashed was control's last fight with mm
  9. Fun fact: I'm not indian but we have got slammed by Rd 5x now
  10. Rd just so I can keep juicing their members for gp after beating them in curve 1v1
  11. cant take a topic like this seriously from somebody who hides their identity (behind their online persona)
  12. you're 14? L0000000000000L you didn't even play rs in 2007 why are you playing 07 scape
  13. who cares about an avatar, you're something that rhymes with Jay
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