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Posts posted by Aoki

  1. 1 hour ago, Tabligh said:

    And to go back to what I said, when you are leading a clan and promote your members to be toxic & do all this rag/main crap, even go as far to tell them to log on med accounts you’re promoting it to a point where the community is just killing themselves within, it has nothing to do with defence cap’d worlds or reverting the scene, it does nothing if there’s no change from the leaders, everybody wants to complain about how the scene will die out but nobody wants to talk about shaming the leaders for allowing it to get to get this far over and over. 

    why would jagex even care about pvp updates for clanning if all there is to show is toxic crap in game, no wonder why the rest of the community is against pvp updates. We are so quick to complain about the problems & voice our opinions but there’s never any action to better the community, resetting won’t change anything imo. 

    OSRS is the only MMORPG i could think of where every single alternative build is shunned and alienated by the general community. Want updates for your pure/zerker? "Heh sry u choose 2 limit urself :^)" say the general community composed of the 1500 total shitstains. In addition to disapproving other builds, the majority of the community spits on the idea of the wilderness and pking with the most commonly agreed upon idea being "ur a dick if u kill me while im doing my clue/slayer/pvm". Honestly, I cant blame them when the only exposure to pvp related content the average player experiences is likely "le spade xD" on reddit and torvesta/framed videos.

    With the majority of the players in your game being completely against your small niche community and jagex doing nothing to promote other builds or pking since the clan cups. Tell me how in the fuck else do you think how else do you think the PVP community is gonna act after years of the same shit? They're gonna start acting out, rebelling and overall stop giving a shit and do their own thing. It's fucking pathetic that runescape pk clans are something completely community driven without a single ounce of care in the world by Jagex. 

    The PVP community as a whole is what it is because of how we've been treated for years, ignored by Jagex and shit on by everyone else.


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