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Fatality's Keeper

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Everything posted by Fatality's Keeper

  1. I see you're ex EOP, you should know about losing and doxing. You also helped Zenith y'day without much luck. Can u answer the question?
  2. A genuine question, why do clans the moment they start losing (which was very clear y'day) resort to this stuff? What are you actually trying to achieve? Are you going to send us a free pizza? This isn't 2010 where everyone lives in their parents house, maybe in Zenith but not in Fi. Im genuinely curious why SHIT clans always do this when they start losing?
  3. Zenith only lasted 2hours.. kind of sad. Even the 5 apex members lasted longer!

  4. Posting a pic when we were north crazy, anyways how u go from 139 to 0 ?
  5. Hmm no, we have way more on our topic. what does apex have btw? You guys pulled 20.. must be rough. Slaving for another clan.
  6. Very nice to see apex members posting them in zenith capes and on mains.
  7. Weird to see apex kids spam pictures of themself in zenith capes. Really couldn't be my clan!

  8. To make things easier can you guys just wear the same cape today? I understand that supremacy only pulls 2 people (3at/pillow) after getting bullied by us but it's still an extra 2 combined with apex' 5 loyal members that's a nice 7 pull boost. Hopefully fo aids you so it's a lil challenge and whatever main clans. You guys might last longer this way. Thank you, we're ready to go all year.
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