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Graphics Designer
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Status Updates posted by rob-

  1. http://i.gyazo.com/bbaf2c5b8b04a1bf56b5527d367b2a55.png Good read thank you I enjoyed your input @Zed_ too bad none of us care what people think about us on a video game :s
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kevv


      that's a lot of writing :o?

    3. rob-


      I wanted to acknowledge his existence since that seems to be what he wants thank you for butting in where you aren't needed @Tictac / @Tom Valor =]

    4. Zed_


      Nothing but the truth

  2. http://i.imgur.com/sgETwsy.png even imp members think Don is just a fucking moron ://
    1. D o n

      D o n

      What's 9+10= severance pull lmfao

    2. rob-


      In addition to being a broccoli you're also blind I guess lmao


      what's 0+2 o ye that's the amount of preps you've lost to a 2 week old clan lmfao0o0o0 stay brown sticky stuff

  3. http://i.imgur.com/VYOYMCp.png lmfao imagine taking pieces from 3 different already made banners/gfx to make one wtf
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rob-


      my cash stack on rs is 30k lol

    3. Billy


      but like you dont need bots anymore you can just throw money in the coffer and get an extra inv spot

    4. Ash
  4. http://puu.sh/oQWxJ/7091df74d8.gif they tried to get my boy,,,,
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rob-


      bro ask him not me @Redemption Officials he beat ur team and ur clan btw :P

    3. knikker


      lol @Redemption Officials thinks hes gonna tank in a prep with 6 brews

    4. rob-


      lol i bet it's the overweight + antisocial geek horizon man sheesh

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jimi
    3. rob-


      Wow @Jimi @17 fucK u the only thing u did @Jimi is make 49 a meme cus that's what u fucking carroted Nik with in the 3v3 r3 LMAOO

    4. rob-
    1. Ash


      Fuck you weirdo

    2. @Tevin


      I heard you go out at 6:00 on saturdays

  5. https://i.gyazo.com/d6c1533309f66f5f071131051141acff.png lmao that it bro @TLP Public Relations3? You live with your parents at the age of 26 and your full time occupation is leading a runescape clan that you're spiraling into the ground bro, looks like ur the emotional one :(
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. bigmanting


      @Robbyy you're fat and insecure whats your point

    3. rob-


      replying to a 2 day old status, i love my fans @Smoked <3

    4. bigmanting


      jk @Robbyy hanubundle of twigs is a bundle of twigsgot lmao

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kevv


      i never really liked that sort of music until i heard night lovell. just looking for some similar music to his, anyone you know of?

    3. rob-


      try derek wise, robell ketema, xavier wulf, bones, denzel curry, i can link more if you like any of those


      also try this

      it has night on it and it bangs
    4. Kevv
  6. absolute banger
  7. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D: P :P :DP:D :D
  8. @Spiral Tribe looking through my profile trying to take notes lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Spiral


      Lmao just watched your POV, kyp broccoli

    3. Spiral
    4. rob-


      The pov where I 4v6 come backed ur bad team lol? Or the recent ones where I moni once every 2 wks n still outperform u lol


      get broken wooden shoe wearing bundle of twigsgot fuck lmao

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