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Vince Carter

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Everything posted by Vince Carter

  1. no way vr faked a zbow kill on 1 of their meds L0L0L0LL0L0L0LL0L0L0L00L0L0
  2. sources are telling me shawn isn't this brave and cried to lord ex about rev sup snipe
  3. They can’t even crash solo anymore, even with sovereign closing into them. Now they’re forced to crash fights with vr There’s a reason they’ve avoided us in cwa for years, as the only hope they have is outpulling with the 4x dead anti rev clans that closed into them. nize that beak nut rider
  4. L0LL0L0L0L0L0L00L0L0L00L0L0 @Robelink@THE BRITISH EMPIRE@Cera S6 who pmed Fel?
  5. sent vr + dr + 420 to bed

    tucked in

  6. nice 2 min pov 0.5 speed LMFAO keep close to ur owners sovereign remake like good puppies they're probably sitting in a ts chan right now laughing while going through all of ur dox folders L0L00L0LL0L0LL0L0L0L
  7. @drozenice 4 1/2 min pov with 5 second hit and teles and under 20 purple dots on the minimap every hit L0L0L00L0LL0LL0L00L0L0
  8. calm down beef neck u pulled 30 on a joint trip with sup 0ll0l0ll00l0l0l
  9. fs and bu o wait they been dead l00l0l00l0l00ll0l0l how have u been playing this game for over a decade and still cant use f keys? brain incapable of multi tasking? LMFO
  10. no it didnt but ur ts got echoed during the weekend trips l00l0l0ll0l0l00l0
  11. why did vr show up with 7 ppl (lol) attempting to assist sovereign remake after they doxxed and bullied u for years l00l0l00l0ll0l actual dogs on a leash ngl LMFO how did 2 clans manage to get cleared 70x in 60 mins? thats a full clear every 51.42 seconds 0l-0l0l-l0ll00l0l little doggy clan go bark for ur masters sovereign remake
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