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Status Updates posted by ultama

  1. Thanks for the prep Sup :)

    1. DNYS


      Join Slaughter friend!

  2. CD have officially turned into a Zerker wilderness team. Do not PM them for a prep as they do not do CLW.

  3. holy brown sticky stuff that zerker clan CD got slammed lmao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cdwinsagain


      didint know 120s are zerkers

    3. ultama


      didn't know you spelt "didn't" "didint" or that 76 combat = 120 combat lmfao.

      Your clan is that bad you recruit level 76s with 77 defence lmfa0

    4. cdwinsagain
  4. Ruin is asking doom for 40v40s but can't pull more than 10 to their prep vs SUP wtf

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kim


      they pulled more than that. chill

    3. mithril platebody

      mithril platebody

      ruin pulled 7 l000000000l my clans fucking brown sticky stuff aswell too!! my clan and ruin should merge?????

    4. ultama


      Fucking ruin logic lmfao!


      > "Ever since we've brown sticky stuffted on you you've declined our prep requests"

      > "You've been holding onto sharkbrew declarations"

      > declaration was at the end of december

      > ruin has been slumping since the start of 2016

  5. Thanks for the prep TLP, it's a shame our scene is so brown sticky stuff they won't prep us

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. coc is roc

      coc is roc

      ur still brown sticky stuff

    3. ultama
    4. Kevv


      prep Ruin, 89- combat? 40v40 minimum

  6. CD are now confirmed to be a main clan http://i.imgur.com/qNbrKwO.png

  7. CD is officially a main clan now? 30 mains falled in trying to compete vs doom lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ultama


      Their opts literally jumped 30 in the middle of a fight and had jaja rush in on us with level 90s with 40+ def lmfao

    3. marcaruese


      You guys started this brown sticky stuff. Don't cry lol

    4. ultama


      ^broccoli lmfao you've always brought mains to your trip lmfa0 you're the one that started this.

  8. Ruin ended already after being 30 minutes late?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ir0ny


      L0l we literally sat in multi for majority of the trip and gave you our loc

    3. ultama


      @Ir0ny is that the one with VR next to you? :^ )

    4. ewby


      that looks like a 3 man spam tower to me!

  9. any MPC going to come out and pk hello

  10. If CD spent less time trying to create dumb propaganda topics and focusing on their quality (which is pretty much non existent right now) then maybe they would not have got perfected in wilderness and they would not have been late for SVs pk trip!

    1. Tricepsbruh


      so much truth lmfaoooo they are brown sticky stuff in game and on sharkbrew

  11. Smile for Sharkbrew

  12. Sorry HPCs, CD is still fighting and therefore SV will not be going out until they end

    1. Rhythm


      SV pulled 40 r0fl + 20 mains, TLP did this to them

    2. ultama


      @Rhythm if CD weren't getting decked in a return fight with us SV may have pulled 10 or 20 more CD mains lmfao

  13. Doom wins again using CDs tactics 8D

  14. CD trying to change their usernames to mask all their mains lmfao mains won't save you if you can't tank with 40 def

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TBR


      yeah, chat brown sticky stuff get banged pussy

    3. ultama


      Yeah you got banged out lmfao brown sticky stuff clan no wonder you don't do CLW your quality is horrible even with 40 def

    4. Georgiie


      Why CWA when you can carrot all the clans at once in wildy already hehe

  15. CD got ended by Doom yet again lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. A Wet Tissue

      A Wet Tissue

      I went to cd's trip, im not in cd, from an unbiased view they got cleared about 3 times but managed to clear you at least 5-6 times

    3. -deleted-


      In my unbiased and highly respected opinion Doom was #1 today.


    4. marcaruese


      That's bcs you're a doom app sikh

  16. "We should have a break from CWA and focus on training"

  17. CDs mains could not help them today as they got rag dolled across the wilderness and cleared at every single fight lmfao

  18. CD logged out because they ran out of monk robes and had to use addy scims lmao

  19. CD died so many times last night they had to resort to 1 iteming. KYP brown sticky stuff clan.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ace Krave

      Ace Krave

      @ultama i was was never in misery/chaos, im not "kane|Below" im Zink | Kane.

      Nice try tho

    3. ultama


      @Ace ¥ krave

      Both of you are irrelevant and make a brown sticky stuff ton of brown sticky stuff clans every year so it doesn't really bother me lol

    4. Ace Krave
  20. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes for CD to step out of wilderness tonight and 20 minutes to end their trip lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ultama


      You mean you were getting fucked by every clan whilst we cleared OP x2, then you tried to hit us after an hour and a bit and ended swiftly afterwards lmao

    3. Dinoz


      @ThatBoyRange doom actually cleared op down 30 while ur brown sticky stuff clan was getting cleared by aao lmfao

    4. Tony


      @ultama join the Jimbob movement

  21. FNC 24-0 predicting it now

    1. موني


      Who are they playing atm don't spoil score just say who they playing against so I can watch it when I go home :)

    2. ultama


      @Moni was FNC vs UOL :P

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