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Everything posted by ferocious

  1. You're a complete broccoli* fucking broccoli. olympus is slumping join remedy #1 lpc
  2. Cya olympiss fucking rejects
  3. didnt you guys use sv's capes last week? kyp
  4. I think we did kill a lot of CP kids than CP kill us. Good fight CP you suck bundle of twigsgots.
  5. m87 u dont want these hands times have changed
  6. there wasnt flame on sharkbrew
  7. When your mom used to use the house phone while you were pking and it dc's you..
  8. Your topic shows you guys getting smacked, lol. GOOD JOB!
  9. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  10. 3 clans in the lpc scene with Team 7 cape

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maaku


      i want to be in cd

    3. Maaku


      @Peanutss Lol idk why op ranks think its secret tactic when u have leak in our ts

    4. Peanutss
  11. Gj doom!, god bless olympus, 3 clans in the LPC scene with team 7 capes now? fuck.
  12. Olympus took way too long to go HPC & now they're getting fucked in the LPC scene, don't close.. :/
  13. ferocious


    Whoever was calling is an absolute fucking broccoli, " lets move to the north in 5, wait nvm in 3 2 1" , " we're gonna move to the east on 3, 1 2 3 ( bare in mind they're already north east literally touching the north east corner wall ) LMFAO, that choke, and then the closing speech at the end! CYA HICK
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