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Jamie ツ

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Status Updates posted by Jamie ツ

  1. Ty 4 prep SF, wasn't close at all tho

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      i talked to reborn on ts

      alongwith all my rockmen

      and have all agree'd his apology would be accepted

      feel free to have shady and alex pm me whenever

    3. Tang0ed


      nah sorry until u have proof of reborn apologising it seems like rockman is siding with suspected 'ddosers' smh

    4. ruxso


      @Rockman idek how to use a booter stfu l0l. And i have living proof i got hit off today lol.


  2. After all was said and done, was fun as fuck. Definitely should do it again minus the ddosing, let's keep it civil.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -WILL-


      Then who do we blame for DDOSing team blue? Thanks for the fight, was fun.

    3. Greuter


      team red ddosed team blue aswell @Rockman the clan closer


      i guess this is what the community is in 2k16....

    4. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      I'm coming for you @shady'

  3. WE LOST 12 IN AN LPC FULLOUT L0000000000L

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bash


      @Father Porker my in-game calling is top tier idk what ur on about

    3. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      don't take it to heart father fat fuck, you were only up 4 in r3 and 2 in r2 lmao


    4. Father Porker

      Father Porker

      U hit off lalo sad af he never did anything to you lol

  4. What's new on the hebrew?

  5. people bashing on @Tyendinaga for showing that he actually cares about the state of pure clanning lol.

  6. does pure clanning still exist?

  7. corp returners did infact get wanged

    1. Kanicus


      It triggered cd lol


      Hi.... & Bye...

  8. What's new on this cancerous fucking website?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Break


      ruin lost to rage, nothing new tbh

    3. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      i see your banter is still at par @EF_Break , so that's really nothing new either :/

    4. Marko1


      foe is still #1 =)

  9. Incoming Imperial SB warriors

    1. Godbless


      lol get smoked broccoli

  10. only pure clan in mpc scene www.impact-rs.net

  11. only clan to not accept 30 def www.impact-rs.net

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Camie


      Hasn´t been relevant? There is a new alliance every weekend trying to take us down lmfao, but noone ever has and never will. Look what happened to op..

    3. Cody9204


      the only alliance taking you down is your own with imperial and ruin lmfao

    4. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      sorry if i offended you @waterSTAFF , don't want this getting outta hand! :P

  12. Tired of being forced into CD capes? Join impact

  13. just cause I said [CP] Jordai can't call and has a fat cock https://gyazo.com/36eaa61265107fd02f612bec36d167fc got an out for me since i left ru smh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. trump
    3. JoJo


      wardy is not a good mod lol

    4. Wardy


      Fuck that wardy kid bro


  14. Imp didn't pull to the 50v50 .. Rage's gonna have a field day with this one.

  15. yo AAO , impact-rs.net tyty ywyw

  16. wot tis' new on thy brewery?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blue
    3. Duval


      @Kim Is being paid by paki oil money to toss warnings and close topics for imperial. Ole floppy lipped ass bishhh

    4. Prep War

      Prep War

      @DatNiggaHops tlp closed gg @BLUE no divine no aao. Get rekted

  17. CP's brew warriors have been unleashed, what have you done eop.

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