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Status Updates posted by MICROWAVER19800

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MICROWAVER19800


      must be ur chromosomes kicking in bet ur brown irl aswell.

    3. Sharkbrew Legend(Backup)

      Sharkbrew Legend(Backup)

      no im proud white lmfao, sv is fucking brown sticky stuff bro prove me wrong

    4. MICROWAVER19800


      already did should read zybez instead of camping some cancerous pure forum full of brown sticky stuffters like u.

  1. (12:43:36) eop's only good leader (12:43:39) learned everything from cp (12:49:41) every other eop rank is trying to get me to join eop

    1. Dom


      I remember when I joined CP for a month in 2014, they let me go on weekends on my zerk

  2. (17:34:10) basically your a pleb (17:34:14) you're*

  3. (17:34:10) basically your a pleb (17:34:14) you're*

  4. (21:20:49) Ditterbitter (21:20:51) hi (21:20:52) tell that zeppke broccoli (21:20:57) it was literally a 15 min mass prep (21:20:57) ya(21:21:02) both our clans had been miniwarring before (21:21:05) so we just yolo did it (21:21:07) n we had 28 lol (21:21:12) within 15 mins on a wednesday

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Murd


      lmao cp scared of eop....

    3. Fullbuster


      nice anni topic lmfao

    4. Fullbuster


      Lt didnt even get to there anniversary and they had no topic just like eop LOL fok men

  5. @Moni I understand your brain works slow, but you've been told to clean a ambassadors rank with the exact name and reason a week ago while you being mentioned. You failed to do this, please step down and accept you belong in a mental institution.

  6. @Moni pls take @dnys' ambassador, his clan closed because he started in 2k15 and became a soulsplit moderator.

  7. @tesco Your clan history is longer than void forever, the only difference is that you got kicked from half of them.. As always KYP dobby!

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. tesco


      btw i saw zulu kill u on ikov forums


    3. ultama


      Because your entire reply has no actual point; it's just too autistic.


      Btw why are you saying "nigga" when I'm white and you're a brown sticky stuff stain indian IRL lol

      Btw saw your dad get blown up on the news PEAK


      sup @tesco you got bullied out of RS07, League, Battlescape, EOP, Dynasty, Massacre and AAO?


      Heard you're moving severance to OSRSPS despite closing because you have "things to do irl "even though you opened on RS07 during the point where most people who didn't drop out have exams???

    4. tesco


      nah cos ur a pussy lmfao


      ill say wat i want r u gonna stop me

      what u gonna do when ur 0% spec strawmaul tomato

      nah ur mums face is peak lmfao clapped slut


      u say the same brown sticky stuff over n over again, it's never funny and idk why u think repeating it will make it true u weird freak

      just remember NO1 LIKES U LMAO! ur mum told me :P


      ur misinformed

  8. @LemonPepper You have to run more autotypers if you want to pull on the midweeks -- @Inuu your clan pulled 80~ past few weekends meaning the lowest opt u can declare on eop is 72v72

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MICROWAVER19800


      @LemonPepper go ahead, you've yet to find evidence that it actually happend unlike EoP and all the other HPC's who know that you got bullied into it.

    3. Fatal


      you still trying @Geert Wilders ?


      lmk how eop does this weekend m8

    4. MICROWAVER19800
  9. @cassidy69 are there still copyrights on your irl, best of laughs wanted to buy it...

  10. »Sat/11:00:37 PM« i am really bad

  11. Ah yes only sharkbrew would promote some irrelevant rsps for their own publicity in the middle of a movement to battle-scape.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Break


      So you're telling me there's going to be yet another reset? Thanks :D btw, it isn't bias if it's true, not my fault you decide to play a server that's in beta rather than a server that's already done with over 600 people playing, almost 200 of those being in the wilderness. But I guess 8 people in the wilderness at a time is the better pserver at this very moment, amirite

    3. Break


      Oh, and btw- we didn't need to poll getting a custom clanwars arena with sactions on defence levels, instances worlds for 1-25def and help with a ladder for said private server wars.

    4. MICROWAVER19800


      First off where the fuck did I say there was going to be a reset? The wildy poll obv needs to be polled for obvious reasons such as the defence cap and if it should be closed during midweeks.


      OS-scape is up for nearly a year and dropped from 800+ to 400+ Battle-scape is in beta for less than 2 weeks and is peaking at 200.


      Everything you're saying has been coded by Palidino years ago and all he has to do is poll it to receive the right amount of community input and feedback something your poorly developed and nothing more than copy & paste developers would never do.


      Idk how you're even debating this, if the community choses a beta server over your trash it should say enough. And I dont think u understand the concept of beta it doesn't mean reset or done it means its playable and content is on his way.


      Clans never moved to a spawn server never will os-scape even switched their horrible 07 combat system lookalike for BS lmfao so its hiliarious you said BS has a bad combat system.


      Stop making yourself look like a absolute fool you have no impact whatsoever and you have no clue what ur talking about.

  12. Any interresting news on the brew? In other news, Hanuman is still missing! Our regards go out to TLP they must have a hard time. We wish them the best of luck finding their Leader!

    1. Donald Trump

      Donald Trump

      Who the fk are u, u newbundle of twigs

  13. Any type of flame/hate/banter towards TLP will result into you getting infracted. This includes TLP members aswell, they are under the online protection of the sharkbrew mods. Do not bother calling one of them bias they have triple protection.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Ecstacy


      Taking sharkbrew is just a stepping stone. We comin for the white house next

    3. MICROWAVER19800


      Who is this irrelevant degen ben broccoli.. tomato can't understand english or make a proper sentence.

    4. Andy




      quality banter

  14. bettle-skep #1 prievete server! tenk jou end enjoy ur stey

  15. CP complaining about mains, this clan legit has some serious mental issues.

  16. CP is that type of clan that pulls 100 on a weekend but asks for 20v20 preps.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MICROWAVER19800


      @Lionel Hyped for weeks? More like 7 days, it was posted after the sunday trip. And they did not compete, we railed them. They also refused to fight us so we had to force it what did the CP ranks tell you lmfao?!

    3. Lionel


      was there, saw it happen. keep telling urself that u railed em if it makes you feel better though.

    4. Lionel


      was there, saw it happen. keep telling urself that u railed em if it makes you feel better though.

  17. Daily news: @Ash is hiring a lawyer after being rejected from several clans. We've contacted these clans and they replied to us saying they are not taking anymore refugee's in. @frogboy400 also said that @Ash refused to provide his medical record when they were checking for any exposures regarding the zika virus.

    1. bigmanting


      LOL. Here at CP we ask our 'middie-eastern decending' people to show their medical record for security purposes. However, the subject did not wish to comply so we declined him. Also, yes he does carry the zika virus.

  18. Damn CP you apparently railed EoP last week when they had "15+" mains but yet you had to team today with a main clan? 70 cp mass invites + 30 mains.. Your clan is honestly embarrasing now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. messi


      tlp+eop got railed 2day :)

    3. eop hider123456

      eop hider123456

      You kids are literally irrelevant. That 10 year anniversary didn't mean brown sticky stuff.

    4. Corn Husker

      Corn Husker

      lmfao eop pulled 40 no1 takes u srs

  19. Dear Pure Community: Whenever TLM loses, EoP/SU/VR loses aswell. And they all lost today.

  20. Fun fact: CP has never been best overall pure clan in 10 years, while EoP was best overall pure clan x3.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Corn Husker

      Corn Husker

      youre a broccoli lmfao, yeah bro you get 100 zybez accounts to vote for your clan?? r0fl

    3. Corn Husker

      Corn Husker

      http://i.imgur.com/NuYk9ED.png since 2k13 heh word to my nigga MM Riggz
    4. Spud


      Fun Fact: EOP Still hasnt won a fullout

  21. Honestly i'm ashamed it took 8 clans to take down 3

    1. Rhythm


      damn propaganda r0flr0fl 8 clans

    2. MICROWAVER19800
    3. ZZZ7


      i cummed on you today

  22. I agree CP is terrible.

  23. I just got news from @JagexAsh, there was no skull bug! TLP really did lose 21 hours in a row. Congratulations SV you've offically won the rivarly with a clean and simple banger.

  24. I see cd/fi/sv still there... Where is tlp/doom/eop????

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