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B S E Rs

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Everything posted by B S E Rs

  1. Obviously doom they can pull 39 now
  2. your vids cut out the part where you get steamrolled and shows when Cp pulls back to avoid getting 2v1'd postcount
  3. this made no sense lmao Anyway gratz on the win
  4. Didn't read Just here for my postcount
  5. Is this guy serious lmao we only did 1 round and half of us couldnt log in for the rest of the prep. kys lmao
  6. Olympus had 3 mains in the first 5 seconds of the rush which is why we decided to counter now continue with the bitching everyone
  7. Oh no xl + Rt + pv + vm + kkdk + lpdsod + gsds + kdfnmdsvnskv + dnmcsdknks teaming up together how will blue ever survive
  8. Wow two brown sticky stuff clans coming together for an amazing battle
  9. oh my what a wonderful topic by a totally random person who i've never met before
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