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Everything posted by Tuk

  1. Tbh i think the shops don't really matter. I rly don't think i've got any customers from having my topic up there, its about posting arounf and having stuff at ur sig and the designer rank!
  2. I got it from making slush a personal sig! But yeah its useless & unjustified. Imo some sort of visible designer rank is good tho. New people can see who makes gfx and is atleast semi trustworthy. I've got alot of orders with people starting "contacted you because you have the rank"
  3. @robbyy nigga why you reading this Gz on win!
  4. Wouldn't attend basicly any trip if they would be later
  5. Sup won panda btw, confirmed ir > obs
  6. Seems like some animations r forced like sup and mf. But some really nice concepts!
  7. i preferred miniwarring with hpc accs but lpc accs so much better in every other way lol
  8. If u think it something else than me n varjo u r wrong lol
  9. id say apex havent prepped px tho so no personal data from them, Apex is strong tho!
  10. Nigga this is always justin beiber howwever ww go bout it xd, never been serious either!
  11. Dont want to get exposed little buddy!!!
  12. Ye ty ty much fame all time winner
  13. Remember what i pmed u buddy, we wouldn't want that go public eh?
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