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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Bro are you forgetting that Hanuman lead you in TLP for almost a year lololol
  2. Kmon guys...... For the sake of my virtual family, let us rest in peace, please refrain from flame
  3. I'll make this nice and short. The best time to close is when people ask "why?",and not "why not?", and that is exactly what Devotion has done. Devotion was opened just to have fun and provide competition for the thriving LPC scene as well as getting warmed up for the Summer because out of the 9 founding ranks, two-thirds of us haven't played RS six months prior to the formation of the clan. We accomplished our purpose along with much more, and Devotion will go down in history as the first LPC to hit a triple digit pull, and the only clan in history to have every single clan in their league team up with the same team cape against them. (Refer to our opening trip video for proof) Devotion might be closed, but our legacy will continue. Instead of closing into one specific clan like most clans do, we've decided to let our members do what they feel is right for them, and in the end process of this three separate groups formed. Parm/Toxic/Get a Bind/BvG/Jack (The Conviction/Olympus squad) went to create NRG Tumblr/Tom (The PD/VP squad) went to create UCT Howls (the lone wolf squad) is joining Control Pker As for me........ I'll be taking an Elder rank in UCT to support the Devotion core, but I will be logging off Runescape for the time being to enjoy my Summer. It was a fun ride, thanks to all the clans we've competed with for the action and thank you to all Devotion members for the memories!
  4. Devotion is sorry for the chaos we've caused the BV family. If there is anything that I can do to help ease the pain you feel of your closure feel free to PM me at any time.
  5. I'm sorry that we(Devotion) closed your clan........ If any BV ranks need condolence I'm just a Sharkbrew PM away.
  6. He was done with finals and back home before I started vidding this
  7. Yh haha U of A is so chill in terms of admission compared to a lot of the colleges my friends from HS went to
  8. ty lol, I'm going to find something better then iMovie to edit
  9. I'll be posting better vids every week, this is just a personal thing I made to start it off. I hope you like it, any feedback is appreciated!
  10. Dude


    I love EoP's banter haha, reminds me of my boy 13th back in the day
  11. Devotion is moving onto bigger and better things, so we've decided to unban you from the wilderness. Feel free to have your first weekend trip in over three weeks this weekend!
  12. Gj guys, good to see the squad still strong!
  13. Post your best runescape pick up lines, I'm legit gonna do a vid on this
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