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Fake Smile

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Everything posted by Fake Smile

  1. I don't have a CV, I review them my dude
  2. Yep sounds like a perfect CV for a rank in FI
  3. You're making your clan look bad. Stop with the cringe bro
  4. Dude you're in rage crashing our fights with 35 people while influencing nothing lmfao. Literally stfu irrelevant edge random
  5. whoever doesn't have or use forums is not a clan. Stop taking orders from edge masser teams
  6. That's all you can say. But on the other hand - what else there is left? Garbage clan and its leadership. Blows my mind you're somehow open still. After all these rivalry losses you've had in the past decade.
  7. your mascot is literally a skull. fi is dead confirmed
  8. Lol keep losing and then writing essays with propaganda, taking ending pictures of a side minimap and teleying out midfight. Loser mentality. See you next weekend if you're not hiding.
  9. It amazes me how they are still open after all these years losing so many rivalries during.
  10. 1st country clan to ever win anything in pure community. Very proud of this as a leader to this day. And this was when it was very competitive. Thanks for the reply
  11. What are these tactics by fi LOL Claiming a win while being on a side of a minimap with 48 mains in their cape counter and then telying out Big yikes leadership
  12. You pulled 25 yesterday You got deleted from pure scene in two weeks what are you on mate
  13. Coming from an eop-made clanner this means nothing. You're either blind or can't tell which information is propaganda, which is not. Probably one of those flat-earthers anti-corona losers as well.
  14. Keep hiding from us in varrock pvp LOL and then lose at your own ground, FI big losers xd
  15. Look at the videos you cretin. Will we fight above lvl 3? We waited for you in boneyard while your ranks made you sit in edge bank and then gave us an ultimatum: to come fight edge ditch or there will be no fight Pussy mentality. You yourselves didn't come deeper for whatever reason. Why do you believe everything your clan tells you? This is us waiting for you while you jerk off to each other in bank and then at varrock ditch.
  16. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Sunday, November 8th: Final Ownage Elite massed up 100 Elites for another incredible trip. After a big statement yesterday, we carried the energy into today's trip. We were fully expecting Fatality to outnumber us today but unlike them, we don't get fazed by a number. It was very clear to themselves and us that they act VERY "tough" when they have +30 on clans but when it's within even 15 they begin to shake. We fully exposed their fake persona as a strong clan today. Despite being down 20 people we fought with no hesitation and showed the entire pure community who the greatest is. Not a single pure clan can do anything anywhere close to what we did today, we have an atmosphere that is absolutely unmatched and will never be beaten. After watching Fatality hide for 30 minutes in the safe zone, we took the fight directly to them. To no surprise we gained full control early on. They threw their punches here and there but it never made an impact, we kept the pressure high and forced them to leave the fight early on while everyone saw. Funny how even though we are stomping them the entire fight we never even think about leaving, but they can't say the same. They instantly logged out with their 40 ending (115 starting) to avoid utter embarrassment. With multiple clans watching, we publicly humiliated a group of posers today. ~Jordai ~Isaak ~Swip ~ Brian
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