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gay homo fagget

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Status Updates posted by gay homo fagget

  1. EoP scared of Foe l0000000l

  2. CD just hit us already you no intel clan

  3. Bloody Virgins going to CD's trip l00000000l

    1. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      You shouldn't talk you have plenty of my members with you

  4. No mains No CD

    1. Satans


      Keep giving me ur tears ty


      No invites No UB

      No clans closing into u No UB



    2. Satans


      And btw SV ded u rat

    3. gay homo fagget

      gay homo fagget

      @Satans sv are dead man we've been through this already

  5. @Albania lick my toes

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satans


      U know ur broken when u hide behind a fake account reppin' a diff. clan lmfao

    3. gay homo fagget
    4. Satans


      U can't hide lol, already been called out by uB members for not being a uB account l00000l, how pathetic can u get

  6. Critical damage and legacy in the same sentence l0000000000000000000000l

  7. I'm going to drink CD tears on Saturday

  8. Feels good to be the kings of the wildy

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. gay homo fagget

      gay homo fagget

      @Pain I would neck if I had ur irl name

    3. TBR


      Awww break dude how's life

    4. Pain


      ur parents would neck if they knew u were potato masher irl lmfao

  9. Foc ddosing as usual. Apology topic or no more preps

    1. Ted


      You actually got reel'd by Divine LOOOOOOOOL

    2. gay homo fagget
    3. Holiday


      l0l fake sv account but really UB got smoked in their own worlds especially on their defending round l0000000 l

  10. @CD, if there is no apology topic by Saturday, I will unleash the beast.

  11. CD do 5 preps a year l0l

  12. CD gets perfected in the wildy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flame
    3. 33th


      idk who you are but you're not in ub so fuck outta here thanks buddy

    4. gay homo fagget
  13. @Albania why would any1 name their son alkharid?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gay homo fagget
    3. Salafi


      @uB Secret Service Mashallah im gonna have to be nice to you now :( tak it easy with Alby aswell, hes your brother

    4. Maaku


      Imagine living at desert and ur mum telling you to belive in allah akbar

  14. @Kanicus has more hair than brain cells (hes bald irl)

  15. @Albania your parents named you after a city in runescape l00000l

  16. CD you have 1 week to make an apology topic

  17. @ThatBoyRange if you ever pipe up like that again ill smack the glasses off your face

  18. EoP just got gwased l00000000l

  19. @Albania How many sets did you lose yesterday?

    1. Kevv


      he told me he died 19 times haha

    2. Albania


      I have no idea who u r^ lmfao

  20. @Foe you cancer clan, why are you crashing Apex vs Cp?

    1. Faked


      lmfao u mad?

  21. Imagine a clan world where we would have 5k people online on sharkbrew

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UB Public Relations

      UB Public Relations

      the less ppl on sharkbrew the less cancer the general community will be so no thx

    3. Unbeatable


      lol agreed to the above comments


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