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Everything posted by Bud

  1. lolololol thats a whole different fight lol. I was there at gdz with u guys lol nice try man that was after the fights btw. so those pics are false
  2. l0l0l00l0l0l0l0 you started with 50+ dumbass and all of a sudden went up to like 70-80+ like tf obv doom helped you guys with 15+ members. sad you had to pay them just to get dicked on fkn tomato. hatred obv allied with you guys, you guys were off each other. I see you guys in the back hiding behind doom lolol fkn tomatos. Your description is always corrupted and false like Propaganda up the ass.
  3. nice different clips.. hahaha you're editing is horrible
  4. Did you not see the video tomato? Where in your tiny little brain do you see you guys clearing us? Plus we weren't aware of rage offing us we targeted them too nobody teamed up. Get you facts straight downy. #Envy Cleared
  5. lol 2v1? you sound broccolied we never teamed with rage.. don't cry because we smacked you hard. plus this is yesterday's trip not 2 days old or anything.. for the description YOU CAN "SUCK our DICK".
  6. lolololo that video was not yesterday. we never hit you guys from the east tomatos
  7. https://gyazo.com/c3ac5b0c84730be88bc8e2f4cdc0ac47 https://gyazo.com/688bb3f7a18a3ee2ad09d59d0907fd0f https://gyazo.com/32fdfdcce2ab2847d612e18885ad4d61
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