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Ev 313

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Everything posted by Ev 313

  1. Move up to mpc already downys lmfaoo were waiting to give yal another beatdown hahaaaa
  2. lenin with the paragraph lol stay brown sticky stuff rage looks like you got cummes on cummed*
  3. Lmfaooo oly pus you brang like30 mains and still got cleared. Very nice pull ma bloody brotherss<3 stay brown sticky stuff olympus pm me for a prep and we will show you the better clan fellas.
  4. Lmfaoo we had like 6 people and this was unofficialy for my clan. They pk for fun if i was to rg my clan lmaoo lets just say "cemetaryy" stay broccolii ma nigga and keep hidding on the weekends just like you did the last 2 weeks cuhh
  5. Rage reminds me of cd lmfaoo. Scared to prep slaughter. Rage stays broccolii yo waifuue pillow did you fall off of your wheelchair??
  6. Yes its me. Hassan is officialy on this mufukkaaa
  7. Down 4 np. We faught bad but its all good we getting used to the mpc scene
  8. Envy #1. And stfu you rage downies always comming up with broccolli how did it feel sniping our returners at corps? And we still cleared cd lmfaoooo stay brown sticky stuff. Control pker you should go see rehab maybe theyll help your calling.
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