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Everything posted by scumtroll69

  1. Are you the guy that comes in mm teamspeak every deadman season and gets down on your hands and knees to try and get us to play with your clan?
  2. didn't take long at 1 def to break eop.
  3. i'm probably one of the few people on this forum who is completely unbiased in thinking every clan is brown sticky stuff
  4. funny how eop brings 30+ mains for months and now after the reboot they're completely distraught at seeing a couple near a fight to the point where they have to start inventing propaganda again.
  5. grats on your wins foe. eop needs to remember their place.
  6. you probably didn't even play rs when this didn't happen
  7. must feel worse being +1 in an irrelevant clan that nobody will even remember xo
  8. this has been done before aka Team Outbreak
  9. Clan(s):Apex, Team Exposed you're not qualified to pipe up about any clan
  10. scumtroll69


    eop is like dog brown sticky stuff stuck on the bottom of my shoe that I can't scrape off.
  11. scumtroll69


    i'm from new zealand m8, if i wake up sunday morning i 1 item you. you're the one who plays runescape on saturday nights
  12. why don't these useless mods make the page wtf???
  13. scumtroll69


    eop flaming so hard when most of them have never even kissed a girl
  14. All I see is Fi logging more people in when they were already up 5 to begin with. Unimpressed.
  15. wow yeah eop so big outpulling a clan that's been dead for 9 years in signups.
  16. That is like 99% of these forums LOL
  17. eops brown sticky stuff propaganda exposed once again. i would have thought their deluded members would have caught on by now but appears not.
  18. makes a change from the historical foeop alliance
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