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Everything posted by Rinse

  1. Hazard. Coming at Full Force. 


    February 2nd, 2018. 


  2. The replies on this website legit geek me out LOL
  3. tell tederick to lick the inner core of my anal canal
  4. My boy Austin. Glad to see your literature skills have became incredibly better!
  5. slick bro real slick and sick like a fat dick named mick tick
  6. I actually want to talk to you about some things as well, I'll get in touch soon. Max is currently in talks with me, as well as another designer, so I appreciate the responses lads.
  7. Title says it all, if you think that your work is good enough to design a company logo, as well as box graphics, please email me or reply below email is better, I rarely get on this site. mitchgotpaid @ gmail dot com thanks fellas, looking forward to hearing back. Do not overcomplicate the task, if you're skilled in Photoshop, or whatever it is you may use- hmu. <3 Edit: Realized Slush doesn't allow emails, so just post below or if you have a forum account on CP forums, pm me there.
  8. lost respeck when you had to identify who (we) was confirmed that ROT closed BV, and not DV
  9. current clan: Zenith LMFAO who's taking the real L here
  10. nigga if you're not an mpc, are you like an x-mpc? you had better levels than us l0lwot
  11. No, we aren't disputing anything, but I'm just saying the kid said something cauliflower about bringing 100s or some brown sticky stuff when they broke the exception rule we set. They won fair and square other than that lol
  12. yo did you add it for BV or Rage? or Bloody Rage ;p
  13. You're an actual broccoli. Rules were set to 2+ exceptions above 90 combat. You brought 8.
  14. seems like drama waiting to happen lol won't be long till clan hoppin jordai is back on that as w3ll
  15. sup guys back from showering in Rage's tears l0l niggas are filling swimming pools at this rate
  16. yo, love seeing all those ghostly robes lads if you guys are actual pures (1 defence) y'all should prep Hazard sometime! Looked like a fun trip btw, PKing sperm is always a blast
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