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UB Public Relations

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Posts posted by UB Public Relations

  1. Quality Above All

    6x Clan of The Month Winner

    Most Prep Wins

    ~ The Fastest Growing Pure Clan ~



    Asked outrage for another big 20v20 mini and once again had a great battle. Each set was very close and it ended up being an entire hour of good clanwars competiton. Thx for fight and looking forward to the next.


    Arro POV


    Giggs POV

    Braden POV


  2. BOHACWD.gif

    http://ub-rs.com/ | teamspeak: ub.verygames.net| ub rs cc | http://ub-rs.com/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/TKwkv3s

    Quality Above All

    6x Clan of The Month Winner

    Most Prep Wins

    ~ The Fastest Growing Pure Clan ~



    Unbreakable Clan massed up 25 men for their big minis with Rage and Outrage.

    We started off very rusty but ended up winning both sets, 2-0 vs Rage, and 2-1 vs Outrage with some very close battles. Thanks for the event gamers! Join UB today!


    Arro POV (vs Outrage)



    Alex|Ar u there POV (vs Rage)



    Nawe POV (vs Rage)


    David Bacon POV (vs Rage)


  3. BOHACWD.gif

    http://ub-rs.com/ | teamspeak: ub.verygames.net| ub rs cc | http://ub-rs.com/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/TKwkv3s

    Quality Above All

    6x Clan of The Month Winner

    Most Prep Wins

    Highest Quality

    Best Community

    Best Leadership

    Best Core

    After a long hibernation, Unbreakable clan returns. Having one of the most experienced and successful rank teams still on the game, we return not to continue the tradition of starving clans and being cancer, but to smash the tradition entirely.

    We are here to have fun, not to see whose members can sit at the return spot for longest.

    With a rapidly developing core, Unbreakable clan is off to a good start. Join today @ ub-rs.com


    Previous prep record: 69-19


    72+ CB

    1-25 Defence

    25+ return sets


    Rank Structure  (additions possible)


    Hanuman - ex-Warlord of Mayhem Makers, ex-Leader of The Last Pures

    Braden - ex-High Council of Final Ownage Elite, ex-High Council of The Last Pures


    High Council

    Pasco - ex-High Council of Final Ownage Elite

    Pizy - ex-Council of Final Ownage Elite






    Previous events



  4. kZgImz5.png


    Unbreakable is reopening. We are not reopening for nothing though, and with our return we are hoping to also help return the clanworld to a better state. 


    With our opening we plan to help revitalize the clanwars scene, re-popularize fights that are not endless return fests sitting on return spots, and help bolster a new scene with less cancer and more fun for all clans. In the coming days I will reach out to all other clan leaders about the direction the clan scene is going and how we can make changes for the better. It is my hope that we can agree on a new way forward, and with the first steps I have already made with some clan leaders I feel it is possible.


    Starving clans wasnt always the norm, endless return fights where nobody wins wasnt always the norm, cancer wasnt always the norm. These are problems we can tackle together as a scene without the cancerous influence of previous mentalities.


    Feel free to join our discord as we get our site and teamspeak ready in the coming days. All ex-members and people who wish to be a part of this new way forward are encouraged to hang around in discord as we set up. See you around. - HANU



  5. 9MP8lmA.png

    http://ub-rs.com/ | ts.ub-rs.com | ub rs cc | http://ub-rs.com/
    Quality Above All
    6x Clan of The Month Winner
    Most Prep Wins
    Highest Quality
    Best Community
    Best Leadership
    Best Core
    Unbreakable clan massed up 40 men for our P2P Prep vs the foe clan. After getting demolished in F2P, we wanted this win badly.
    After a very good start and a win round 1, round 2 caused some drama as someone in UB moved and foe ended up attacking on our defending round. After a short flame session we decided to just slam them in the 3rd pkri round which is exactly what we did. Thanks for the prep.
    Round 1
    18 remain
    Round 2
    ruled a no contest by the UNBREAKABLE clan commission 
    Round 3
    27 remain
    Deziqn POV
    Tyen POV
    Moni POV
    JD POV
  6. 9MP8lmA.png

    http://ub-rs.com/community/ - ts.ub-rs.com - UB RS cc - https://discord.gg/82jDTk6
    One year ago Unbreakable opened our doors. A small group of friends got together and decided to open a clan during probably the worst time in pure clanning history. We knew it would not be the same but we also knew we would find the fun in it no matter what. And we did. 
    The first few months of Unbreakable was pretty much what we expected – the top pulling clans had maybe 40 pures and an equal amount of mains while the lower pulling clans were similar but not quite as dedicated to the main cause. We found fun in our battles against the other lower pulling clans and didnt take ourselves too seriously. It was fun for a while but we, like every other pure clan open at the time, found it incredibly hard to grow during a time that runescape was at its peak playerbase. In the past, it was easy to fill your pure clan with new people just wanting to go out and kill people but the amount of mains and addy almost immediately turned off any new prospect. 
    With that fact becoming glaringly obvious as we went on, we knew in order for Unbreakable (and pure clanning in general) to survive we had to join the growing LPC 1 defence scene and get back to the basics of what pure clanning was. No mains, no defence, and no cancer that will turn off new clanners. With us, most of the lower pulling clans followed suit and almost immediately all of our memberlists swelled up and almost every single LPC was pulling high numbers. The collective amount of people in the LPC scene compared to HPC at this time was probably 3 to 1, people very obviously preferred one defence, and eventually the older clans who were more scared of change followed suit. When we made our announcement topic about going 1 defence we said at the bottom that “we had hoped one day the LPC bracket turns into what the HPC bracket is supposed to be and pure clanning makes it's return as the most fun, most active, and most action packed clanning scene.” And even though some other clans that are prone to flaming without thinking said things to the effect of we (and everyone else who moved down) were only moving down because we were failures, I think time has proven that this was very obviously the right move to make.
    Since then, we have had amazing success. We are the only new clan still open from the HPC era and are consistently put on the same pedestal as the legacy clans like Foe and Eop. Even with these legacy clans both thinking they are in a constant rivalry with us, at times both hating us more than they hate eachother, we have thrived. We have built ourselves a strong community with strong ideals and even with all the odds stacked against us we do not stoop to the levels of some clans who forget why we all left the HPC scene to begin with. We have gained over 150k posts on our forum in this year, amassed a prep record of 67-17, GWAS'd multiple clans multiple times, and are undefeated in heated rivalries. No matter what people might try and say to downplay our success, we are a top clan and always will be.
    With that all said, we are but one clan in a community of multiple clans all with their own distinct identity and we couldnt have done it all without you. Here's to hoping we see you all every weekend for more years to come.

  7. BOHACWD.gif


    http://ub-rs.com/ | ts.ub-rs.com | ub rs cc | http://ub-rs.com/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/82jDTk6

    Quality Above All

    6x Clan of The Month Winner

    Most Prep Wins

    Highest Quality

    Best Community

    Best Leadership

    Best Core


    Peaked at 40 men to kill all clans and we did just that!!!


    We had one of the lower pulls today but we still managed to throw our weight around and kill the degen clans like cd.


    It's actually really kind of sad how bad cd are, I am still not sure if they have managed to kill a single Unbreakable member in the last month and a half of fighting. It definitely doesnt seem like it.


    While not killing cd we were involved with clusters consisting of ir/apex/px/fi/sup/etc. Ty all for fights.

    Maaku POV


    Anton POV























  8. Just over a week ago https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/37782-critical-damage-vs-pxeop-skirmishes/


    Btw all our events are on CD forums, care for Sharkbrew is minimal


    So yeh, maybe get that brain looked at as well, heard being potato masher can upset the balance


    more like you care so much that you know you would get banned from sb if you posted your weekend trips here lol

  9. Nah, just woulda been better to have a nice cold one liner spam to end the prep., maybe something humble, rather than heaps of lame brown sticky stuff that makes u look petty and insecure


    uB wants preps. yet acts that way towards opponents, smh 



    maybe in ur brown sticky stuff clan u need to be humble to survive but i can be whatever the fuck i want cuz u cant do brown sticky stuff lmfaooo

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