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Everything posted by Stewbert

  1. All xlpc means is fights in 308... it's like pking in 357 lol fun as brown sticky stuff
  2. Famous quote from the f2p hybrids "Don't die to litmob.. fuckin tele out" I believe you guys have the same moto
  3. why wont u fight us? I ask all the time as well
  4. U were lead by pun... anything you say is irrelevant
  5. You'll pked against all these 4n fucks.. What other teams you talking about? We live in the us and have jobs til 5-6 eastern.
  6. You could just message him your opinions bundle of twigsgot.. didn't your clan tell you to stop posting
  7. Fighting f2p hybrids and poison got boring af cause you guys were always scared to fight down opts or lose a rune scim... maybe this time around you won't be as big of pussies
  8. We have some Indian people... can they still use the word lit?
  9. Join our cool kids club called litmob
  10. Nike best rs player I heard
  11. Don't cry fam... anytime any clan wars place
  12. I'm not going to lie... fatality should close into us
  13. Jesus litmob has a dumb name but we big own
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