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Status Updates posted by Nixon

  1. @zmaj woke up for the day!


    1. Noum


      Kid has mental issues btw, currently in his 4th gap year in uni and wastes his life on a virtual paint game in 2k18, also donated 250 dollars Lmfa000

  2. FRmDVzy.gif

    1. Down Opts

      Down Opts

      Pleaseeee stop this is too good 

  3. @Koed Beastly jesus christ man are you looking for a nobel peace prize? 10c13c1483fe749c8b1ecf2c72ee60ee.png

    1. SKEEZ


      ya hes a fuckin loser!!!

    2. Nixon


      hahahaha what a nerd!!!!!

  4. hey @Royce, I need a 3,500 word essay written by midnight and I know you're a proficient wordsmith, think you can come through?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nixon


      end of an era

    3. Logic


      lol sad birds returned to the ashes

    4. Royce


      Damn this did bits nixon! 

  5. I will be idling on IRC all day today, contact me with any bugs as you find them. I'm also interested in hearing any suggestions you may have.

  6. Join Apex, most active pure clan in the scene, both wildy and clan wars!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nixon


      @Control Pker I didn't do any trips, my midweek activity is non-existent. I also dislike pkri's, that's not really a secret, I prefer organic wilderness activity.

    3. Anton


      haha control pker nice suka clan haha :D

    4. N Ranges

      N Ranges

      @Control Pker how are you even piping up your the most irrelevant downy in the rs community people dont even laugh behind your back people laugh directly at you you act like your good in the wildy but every one in your clan is a .5 clap that doesn't eat their food and dont even get me started about your dumb ass in clan wars lmfao

  7. Any fluid druids online?

  8. Who is the most attractive scaper? My vote is @Hope

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hope


      @Nixon ty sweetheart 😘 Miss u

    3. Hope


      @Nixon ty sweetheart, Miss u

    4. Nixon


      I think of you every night @Hope

  9. I'll turn your fruits into vegetables

    1. Hope


      ill smoke your fucking pole pal

    2. Nixon


      *greases fedora*

      *lights vape*

      *unsheathes katana*


      hMmmMmM cmon in ;))))

  10. sick of a brown sticky stuff clan? http://clan-apex.net/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Break


      ruin is just mad because they are being forced to go LPC, they can only prep against imperialdamage and they keep losing LOL

    3. Greuter
    4. Nixon


      query me on irc "nixon' @Greuter

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