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Everything posted by UPALESKIEWOLF

  1. I bullied CD btw daily reminder

    1. Lankz


      ☑️ Can confirm 

  2. You dumb or broccolied? We fought cd without fs
  3. Pretty funny when you lie to ur own members, can tell how bad ur quality as a clan is atm breaking point for CD?
  4. Im legit honestly done with you ur such a potato brain brainwashing ur members by telling lies and doing broccolied brown sticky stuff This is why ur clans brown sticky stuff tbh
  5. Stop brainwashing your fucking members, you know you lost every fight all week, If you claim this is fake then.. WHERE IS UR TOPIC broccoli?
  6. I was getting ragged by runite 88s the entire fight bro i was cringing so hard on ts
  7. Can confirm they so dead they double log on their tanks They got kyped init
  8. Doesn't really was just testing my accuracy
  9. Not sure why these CD dogs are trying to recruit when they lose fights up 10 

    justin beiber fucks ill walk you down like the cockroaches you are.

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