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Killer of Clans

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Everything posted by Killer of Clans

  1. I wonder when @Tyendinaga will stop his usual hiding after he gets smoked and finally speak up haha
  2. When will @Tyendinaga finally get a prep win vs EOP l0l
  3. While EOP are smoking "the best" clan wars clans matched opts with 100% pures, FOM are busy losing fights to misfits and bringing mains l000l

  4. wow lol today EOP were smoking Apex man for man with 100% pures in a safezone minigame while FOM were too busy losing to misfits even with FOM mains l00l @FOE Paul @Yentll @Pigwrestler7 @Marko @Jamz @Jordan whats up with that lol main clan
  5. It's just slushpuppy making up excuses so his mods don't look like the bad guys lol. He has holydreams from FOM who won't stop doxing, tyendinaga from apex who has a main clan that snipes xlpc clans, and moni from probably every clan who uses his mains to snipe pures, the list goes on lol Why do you think sharkbrew is dead except for the times we allow it to be active because we feel like showing everyone the incompetence of their ranks
  6. EOP who don't care about clan wars is better matched than clan wars clans lmfao. @holydreams explain this lol thought EOP were just a main clan with no quality l00000l No wonder FOM won't prep EOP hahahaha EOP the kings of pure clanning
  7. damn FOM are really dropping, now they're using mains on midweeks against other pure clans? pretty fucked up @holydreams lol what has fom become Gj on smoking FOM misfits
  8. EOP don't even care about clan wars and can still smoke clan wars clans l000l

  9. Feels like EOP must be doing a good job by making FOM so scared that they sit in bed at night and dream of being free of EOP's bullying l000l
  10. l0l slush is just mad nobody wants his help no matter how much he tries to force himself down their throats. His only reason for thinking he has control is the xlpc tourny (which only has 4 clans) l000l
  11. yo @Erik how many people came to your new years party? Asking for a friend

  12. while cd reopened in another pure bracket and thrive, ub was closed by eop in hpc, reopened in lpc and closed by cd l000l
  13. I spent FOMs anniversary in the wilderness whil FOM spent it in lobby or at edge/lumby l00l
  14. What about someone who's target is a clan who dox's and uses mains? Are clans who bring mains more scummy than clans who willingly take rivalries out of the game and leak real life information?
  15. ...and sup, and FOM, and even fi at a point, and ub, and tlp, and every other clan
  16. If I remember correctly shortly after the xlpc scene was created @slushpuppeh tried to get involved and control it and they told him to fuck off l000l slush is just salty his terrible help wasn't needed and all he could do was host a website
  17. Envy is brown sticky stuff and led by a guy who's never had a success in over 8 years of running clans
  18. watch out lol you'll hurt his ego he's trying to give himself the impression he owns all of the pure clans and controls the community l00l
  19. Only in your minds would telling Danny (FOM leader who supported FOM doxing) to organize a meeting to create an honor code be a good idea l0l Even though you didn't create the xlpcs, why does trying to get recognition for it matter? Sounds like an ego issue there. The clans that opened as xlpcs created "xlpc" lmao gloryhunter the only thing you created was a website that you can barely keep under control
  20. I'm sure sup knows what having 80 pures looks like right, a long lasting clan like sup is bound to have pulled it at least once before?
  21. lol a clan that closes twice in 1 month still pulls on average 80 pures while your clan can't get past 30 and are losing to AAO and IR in rivalries l000l
  22. That's what they all say lol you just want to snipe cd and fs because they closed your brown sticky stuff clan ub l0l
  23. dude why do you think EOP are punishing FOM rn l0l FOM are going around doxing and bringing mains so EOP are retaliating with 50+ mains until FOM clean up their act and remove the doxers. There were 0 mains before FOM doxing and nobody complained, now FOM dox lol Cleaning up the scene is very simple but @holydreams would rather FOM be a doxing clan lol
  24. dont forget FOM teleing when EOP rushed FOMs loc every time lol and ending when FOM couldnt move any lower than the wildy ditch Talk about cancer lol
  25. Yes hopefully FOM can get some ranks with balls instead of hiding and ending when EOP come to them lol FOM spent their anni running from EOP and crashing 20vs20s between st and sf....
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