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Killer of Clans

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Everything posted by Killer of Clans

  1. While @Brap works towards eradicating the use of mains from the pure scene, @Tyendinaga works toward opening a tank clan to snipe braps clan because they killed ub lol...
  2. word on the street is ub v2 has already closed within a day and @Tyendinaga is trying to tell people it was never official to save grace lol
  3. lol @Public Relations Pig apex warlord and sharkbrew rank tyendiniger is making a threat to fearless...
  4. respect, if everyone thought like that the scenes would be a lot better. It's just like EOP bringing mains to kill fom for doxing until fom respect their agreement to have no out of game tactics and eop will use 0 mains. It's a simple decision but clan pride gets in the way...
  5. https://www.foe-rs.com/forums/topic/123369-idk-man-lol-how-does-40-pple-clear-150-like-this-omg-lol-focus-pocus-lol-ty-for-the-clips-jamz-lol-ez-btw/ And video evidence that FOM were targeting pures with their mains
  6. is your name wilderness ditch because that's where fom were their whole anniversary, asking for a friend lol
  7. lmfao my dude just tried to make a curveball to excuse him officially creating a tank team to snipe cd and fs on weekends LMFAO This loser @Tyendinaga is just salty that @TBR closed his beloeved ub clan and he wants revenge l00l now that cd closed it already he's trying to play it off like it never happened ahahahaha edit: tfw during march-january where EOP brought 0 mains, ub brought mains to try and snipe them l000l and still got closed by eop and cd
  8. @Tyendinagas latest version of unbreakable was closed by cd in under a day, record timing LMFAO

  9. fom got smoked and cd smoked whatever clan ur in l000l I can sense the butthurt from here bundle of twigs hahaha
  10. fom lol wow... the last meeting where you got @holydreams to mediate the discussion for FOM doxing EOP and EOP bringing mains in retaliation? No brown sticky stuff it wasn't good lol holydreams got smoked because he himself supported the doxing and refused to remove those who did it l000l The brains of sharkbrew ranks man, getting the perpetrator to mediate l0l
  11. The scene is fine just EOP needs to make sure FOM stop doxing and bringing mains, then it'll be back to what it was March-January where EOP had 0 mains and all the clans EOP killed/closed like ub keep claiming mains as an excuse as to why they died Such a simple solution but losers would rather accept doxing over 0 mains sniping them and good competitive wildy fights l00l
  12. the typical response to wildy talk from a beta clan, "lol fight me in safe zone minigame" l0l
  13. @Tyendinaga crying because a clan brings mains to combat mains, lol isn't that what both tlp and ub did under your leadership before you got closed l00l Are double standards okay because you're a blue rank on a dead rs fan website bundle of twigs l00l
  14. What a great reply from a sharkbrew admin in response to an important topic. A true Apex/FOM/Ub loser arent you the guy who's clan got closed by @TBR because you did't know how to lead and all you knew was kissing boys?
  15. EOP bring mains to kill FOM for doxing and refusing to remove the doxers. Quick mafs SUP bring mains because they losing rivalries to IR and AAO lol look at the main dispute section, I see the recent successful disputes are against sup haha main clan sup wow lol eop brings mains they are cancer says @Tyendinaga as he's sniping EOP pures for fom on his main during the trip
  16. It's obviously FOM, they openly endorse the doxing of people from other clans and post dox's on their website. They also bring mains and when they have a high pull, instead of fighting their rivals 150vs150 they choose to hide and crash 20vs20s. EOP have been saving pure clanning by ac'ing fights and keeping FOM awau from cancer clans. You're just salty because you made apex a minion clan of FOM and in retaliation you recieve a majority of the ingame punishments FOM do when you help them. Aren't you also creating an xlpc team that requires 40+ def and 60 combat to snipe fs and cd lol? Talk about hypocritical
  17. You act like you took a gun to the chest or something lol stop being so angry
  18. A snapshot form a video of your sharkbrew admin on a main logging into EOP who are moving away and following them by attacking. If he was wearing a t50 cape you'd have already demoted him by now lmfao
  19. Why are FOM so quiet lol didn't they just have their anniversary this weekend? It's looking like a graveyard there atm

  20. So you're telling me the clan that he was moving with, attacking with, all 50 of them, were all actually standing there instead of attacking people? Yeh nice try at another cover up for your bias mods l0ll cry more loser
  21. lmfao Doom too scared to enter or can doom not pull 30? l000l
  22. yo why have you been so silent @Jordan fom anni just passed l00l you got smoked all weekend ahahhahaha
  23. Would you expect anything less form the awkward guy who got his clans closed by EOP and is currently 0-7 vs EOP in preps?
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