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XLPC Warlord

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Posts posted by XLPC Warlord

  1. 8eFX7So.png


    Today we were approached by Fearless to get a small amount of action for the members that were hanging out in both cc's late night.

    We decided a bit of Clan Wars action wouldn't hurt.

    In 2 separate sets, OP took the victory in a 2-0 fashion, followed by a 3-1 close call at the end of the set. 

    Thank you FS for the respectable mini, let's set up more brotherins. 


    Butcherama POV (below)


    ERA's POV (bottom)


    OP-RS.NET to join an amazing community full of fun, laughter, and flaming.

  2. ~~~ See, we were gonna keep it respectable, but after all that talk on Sharkbrew today... Fuck it nigga we savages out here gucci gang ~~~
    Y'all got fucked up today ->  @Singles @NBA YoungBoy38 @TBR @CD CANCER @Fear The Beard @Dillon Howlett 
    I would say thank you, but honestly we have better competition from BT at 45cb..




    For some reason, we were approached for a pkri from CD, presumably trying to redeem themselves from a godawful weekend trip. 

    On our first fight, we fought down 2 opts while defending CA (16v18). It was the simple scim, drag, bind, and re-scim from OP as CD decided it was a good time to get their cardio in and run as far away from CA as they could. Apparently CD thinks they can win return fights as per their banter from today - well we all know this isn't true.

    For our second fight, we fought even opts while they tried hiding behind altar begging for mercy in an 18v18. Do I even need to finish this story or do we all know how it ends?


    Lankzy POV (below)

    Butcherama POV (bottom)

     GZ on another ez win OP honestly we need better practice. 

    To all CD members that aren't as brown sticky stuff as a rank as Singles - Apps are open: op-rs.net 

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