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XLPC Warlord

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Everything posted by XLPC Warlord

  1. Prepare yourselves for another episode of OP absolutely railing CD later tonight

  2. better caller than @NBA YoungBoy38
  3. Luciel did this 2 you again yikes :/
  4. Boys what do we think about this??? We are all waiting for it too, amiright?!!?!? @Koldkilla97 @OP Rhyzi @N uts ack @M Tanner @Lankz
  5. Imagine being in CD right now lmao 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord

      You've been on Sharkbrew for over 2 years i guarantee nobody outside of your clan has any idea who tf you are pleb 

    3. Koldkilla97


      Weekend pulls went from 60-40 wonder why but hey snipe team!

    4. Sosa


      my nigga dw bout who i am im closing ur clan as of this moment

  6. ~~~ See, we were gonna keep it respectable, but after all that talk on Sharkbrew today... Fuck it nigga we savages out here gucci gang ~~~ Y'all got fucked up today -> @Singles @NBA YoungBoy38 @TBR @CD CANCER @Fear The Beard @Dillon Howlett I would say thank you, but honestly we have better competition from BT at 45cb.. SOOOOOO CRITICAL BRAINDEAD BACK TO HUGGING SINGLES ALL WEEKEND TRIP LMAOOOO For some reason, we were approached for a pkri from CD, presumably trying to redeem themselves from a godawful weekend trip. On our first fight, we fought down 2 opts while defending CA (16v18). It was the simple scim, drag, bind, and re-scim from OP as CD decided it was a good time to get their cardio in and run as far away from CA as they could. Apparently CD thinks they can win return fights as per their banter from today - well we all know this isn't true. For our second fight, we fought even opts while they tried hiding behind altar begging for mercy in an 18v18. Do I even need to finish this story or do we all know how it ends? Lankzy POV (below) Butcherama POV (bottom) GZ on another ez win OP honestly we need better practice. To all CD members that aren't as brown sticky stuff as a rank as Singles - Apps are open: op-rs.net
  7. Your opts in the last month have gone from 60 to 35 on a good day lol
  8. "but Overpowered did the kind favor of ACing the fight for us." Ah yes brotherin, thank you for assisting us later in the day to clean out the mice infested wildy. Now we can have our clean 1v1's.
  9. OP for a way out @ all CD plebs

  10. Imagine being in an LPC and stooping down to pipe up to an xlpc warlord by suggesting I kill myself. Come better than that kid i'm not even slightly offended ok peanut brain
  11. If i were you i would worry about your dying clan instead of trying to figure out ours
  12. Ah now i understand why you don't want the prep - you know your quality so brown sticky stuff the only thing saving you is teleporting back into a fight? lmaoooo check this dude out @Koldkilla97
  13. CD threatened to camp OP all week but they haven't done a midweek since they opened?? :/ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koldkilla97


      Lmfaoo cd literally said if we keep outpulling them with pures on weekends they gona have no choice but to bring raggers on us L00000000000L I thought I had heard it all

    3. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord

      Lmaoooo @Koldkilla97 why would they play themselves like that aha

    4. Pauna


      It be like that when your bad

  14. Did you not see the vid of us slapping you in a 1v1 above 7 wild when you were up opts trying to pipe up to daddy? Here it is again m8 plz keep trying with better comebacks. Check :30-1:55 on the vid plz and sit there and wonder why you're in such a brown sticky stuff clan.
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