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Everything posted by Murd

  1. Knowing cp they probably hit themselves off while continuously trying to hit our site offline for days n' days lmao
  2. Lmfao cp hitting our site off after losing a 5v5 mini I'M DONE LOL How #salty do you get looooooooooooooooooool
  3. If you didn't expect invites in a hyped up "lpc" event then you had a lapse of judgement, just about every lpc would be on irc pming anyone from other clans to help them out x.x
  4. It's not like anything would change from how it already is doe, they team with cp and attempt to crash pure events anyways. What's gonna be different!!
  5. Regardless of how brown sticky stuff sv are, you forget that they are a clan that went main with intentions of focusing pures. Killing them is just fun as fuck regardless of the opts
  6. Gottem good ;P This is why they lost to poison or w.e when they had +10!!!
  7. Murd

    EOP vs Fi (2-0)

    Was a good performance =]
  8. Lets open up a crew on Gta 5 and take over
  9. Aren't you that newbundle of twigs that tried to make a name for himself on clan warfare but was brutally rejected by 95% of the community? You should just stick to posting on those other "community" websites that are harvesting ips man, you'd be more welcome there.
  10. obv lies everyone knows eop will only mini with a select few lvl 100s against any1 amiright?! Good job boys =]
  11. Good brown sticky stuff lad
  12. Hey now, winning a lil mini is a major event and victory for him and his clan, it's understandable he'd think to post it in this section silly!!! Gj on the 6v6 lad
  13. You have an unhealthy obsession mate. Vai u heff to b med
  14. Jonty would walk over all these mediocre kids man. How dare you talk about a superior like that. If you had any knowledge of the Pure Community you would be on your knees shining his shoes, peasant.
  15. After all that talk yesterday, you cancelled your P2P trip to go to a rune war and get fucked by us LOL Did you seriously just turn 15 today because if you did I really feel bad for bullying a pre-pubescent teen to the extent that he can't type a proper sentence due to his emotional reaction to the baits directed at a clan he's been in for 2 months :$ Stop crying on your modem and then maybe it'll work. Modem + Tears = Not good
  16. You're amusing and all but I gotta hit the hay, if you wanna keep the big guy act up then feel free to accept our prep requests. We can all hear the bark, so wheres the bite? Until then, ciao <3
  17. If you've 'beaten them on numerous occasions' *hit off their teamspeaks* then we shouldn't be a challenge, what's to be scared of? ;]
  18. Can you read over what you just wrote and then edit it to make it seem to have at least some form of sentence structure? Not all of us are in first grade ffs
  19. Thanks @slushpuppy for the entertaining forums =]

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