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Everything posted by Bday

  1. Destiny for the Xbox360/XboxOne but some losers are going to play league all day.
  2. Bday

    EOP vs Fi (2-0)

    still waiting on cp to prep eop =/
  3. Good fight Fi, was a good prep!

    1. Legend Tanner of EOP
    2. Rijn


      @Bday , post a topic or

      post vid pls i wanna c

  4. more lies told about the pirates. Gj though
  5. Lol you guys are quite annoying with the flames, not even close to being funny.
  6. Its Toxic just trying to be the news man of runescape clanning lol. I remember when he first showed this to me.
  7. damn....little boy Leet tactics causing damage? step your game up guys.
  8. Bday

    May I ask?

    Foe is not closed, they just cancelled their weekend trips & are focusing on their community. They still do preps versus other clans & nemesis seems to be an LPC in alot of people's eyes but i'll try to find some vids of them and recheck.
  9. Bday

    May I ask?

    Can someone with admincp be able to redo the recruitment section and fix it up a bit. What I'm simply asking is can someone make an HPC,MPC & LPC section so people know what clan they can join with their reqs atm.This will help someone get into clanning right away. Also can a mod put up a clan's topic even though it hasn't been put up here or the ranks simply don't use this site(like CP), it doesn't have to be a fancy topic just put the banner,their ts3 info, irc info & idled cc if possible. HPC's Fatality Final Ownage Elite Eruption Of Pures Corrupt Pures MPC's Zenith Zerg Unit Supremacy Conviction Destruction Ascent Leet Tactics Blood Vikings LPC's Nemesis Remedy United Family
  10. If you would open your eyes, 0wl is leading an MPC clan just like you & suggested this. This wasn't coming from an HPC clan-leader but an MPC/LPC clan-leader.
  11. I just hope our friend here finally understands and others that oppose this movement.
  12. 'Sweet heart I would love to be wrong, but i don't live with the right people for that.'
  13. Honestly you'd be considered cauliflower if you didn't listen to calls and stack up with the group, 1 def or 25 def it really doesn't matter. My argument still stands, 25 defence is more reasonable for clanning than 1 defence.
  14. 9:00 GMT would help increase your pull on trips & every other lpc clan.
  15. Actually I've seen a quite few left their HPCs for LPCs, its just the matter of which clan would you benefit out of more. I disagree I think things will even out a bit but we can only figure that out this saturday.
  16. Yes but in a F2P/P2P war someone with 25 defence would most likely last more than a 1 defence pure.
  17. Simply because 90% of the pure community are doing LPC times. Us coming to them will make things more active for all of us. Not only us but Fi included.
  18. Personally I would rather have clans be 1 def only but as time progresses things change either for the better or for the worse. Honestly now having 1 defence isn't going to last you in the pure clanning world but it will last you in 1v1 edge pking.If there was a 1 defence wilderness and an option where you can reset your defence just for the pures, i would be down for that in a heart beat.
  19. We've been asking most LPCs to do this but once we move, now people want to consider our times. Honestly w/e times keeps everyone around for the trip, i'll vote 4:00 est seeing those are the most reasonable times.
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