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Status Replies posted by Tripluh

  1. Query Tripluh on IRC for Preps vs SV ( @Olympus )

  2. Almost forgot , Clan of the month what a joke lmao

  3. When kids lie and cry to other clans because there mad they can't be in doom :) It's nice being on top. Don't worry ari there a lot more rejects that can't get accepted.

  4. Clan of the month what a joke.

  5. Ari apped for CD godbless.

  6. Dome only has 1 raging hormone

  7. I think the only way CD and SV have a chance anymore is if they just close into eachother they're way to easy to clear as just a team.

  8. Clan of the month from last month and this month what a joke

  9. Clan of the month from last month and this month what a joke

  10. Clan of the month from last month and this month what a joke

  11. Tlp is the biggest threat since Osama

  12. Gf Today SV, outperformed us. Looking forward to more preps in the future :)

  13. Thanks for the prep SV!

  14. damn @Aquaxi , should have never fucked with the young eop squad. lolv5 coming in hot soon, wait on it!

  15. Hey aqua nice dance moves you ugly glue haired spastic, go take a shower you weirdo. #TrapHouse

  16. Lol at Remedy, Give them win's and hype and they snake a mfer, im out and clanless lmfao.... smdh hiss hiss.

  17. You already know remedy bout to win this fuckin tourney fam

  18. Only in the pure community does one threaten another for losing because of their own stupidity

  19. Hello? Olympus your awfuly quiet today

  20. 53 man memberlist

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