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no way another one?

Another One Tbh

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nice man!

Hahahaha ahh yes I've been expecting you.



Okay you being a giant spastic aside let's look at the cold hard facts. I'll do a lil history lesson. Let's rewind to the day Valhalla closes it's doors. We we're both just recently accepted to VH and enjoying every moment of it. Sadly to our dismay lack of competition lead the ranks to close the clan. It happens. I didn't know what to do next, but you had a plan in mind: max out, intro and join RoT with the rest of VH. I wasn't sure due to my lack of main experience + I didn't know many people in RoT, but you convinced me and we both made forum accounts and began maxing. After I finished maxing I introed began my tenure in RoT. I asked where your intro was and you said it'd be up within a week. Weeks passed and no intro was seen. Okay that's fine I'm sure you had better things to do. DMM come's along and where are you at? Oh you're with MM .... killing RoT members (and actually hunting them - shout out those 2 rot members who lost bank early on in DMM release. You died to one of these guys!) Aight, so Anti-ROT on DMM... That's bad, but not the worst. Surely you have some respect for the clan you're trying to dickride into joining? Oh wait you actually used fake RoT names on DMM to hide from people and pretend to be RoT... I see.. 


You simply wish to join RoT because it fits into your current needs and wants. Is it supposed to be a coincidence that you intro right after DMM dies out and you have nothing left to do? Would it be too much assume that you're just joining so you can be in RoT for DMM seasonals and a little bit of entertainment? Oh and btw...  You probably shouldn't flame the clan you want to join on MM ts.



If you're given the chance, good luck bro (at fights). I wouldn't give you my yes vote if you sowed your mouth to my cock and you were permanently sucking me off. broccoli. 

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