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Vengeance vs Revenant - Sunday - Late Aftermath - 2 Hour Fight


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(topic created by Miltz - source: http://tastevengeance.com/forums/topic/15240-2-hour-rev-fight/)




So it was time for our Sunday Official PK trip. We pulled a tasty 23 in the TS and so we started our trip clearing corp/easts. Within 2 minutes of getting to Corp we found Rev. Now regardless of what they say they were undoubtedly on the losing end of that clash, although we didn't get to finish because as per FOE had to join the party.


After some talking with Rev, we decided to fight in a PVP world with some interesting rules:


1. Single Spells only

2. Uncapped


The rules were good and by and large were held by both teams, some messages went back between the ranks on IRC when we noticed people breaking the rules and it was quickly stopped. Respect on that front Rev. 




As the fight progressed Vengeance immediately began to take the upper hand. I'd like to take the opportunity to call BS on what Rev said in their topic, 25 op's peaking at 30? Try 20 peaking at 24, meaning we had exactly the same Op's as Rev. Anyway, see for yourself when our video uploads, purple dots (or white dots for their videos) dominated the fight early on.


All Vengeance members returned quickly and in the correct gear. I'd like to make a shout out to @ who put an exceptional magic shift in. The fight moved from Vengeance on top, then Revenant on top, then Veng frequently. Revenant are a good outfit and showed it towards the latter stages of the fight, they had their core returning quickly and got kills when they shouldn't of had a chance.


About an hour into the fight Vengeance began to take a hold on the fight Rev numbers were dwindling. At that point (with about 10 ops left at the fight) they began to spam 'it's over', take that how you will. The fight continued regardless and it was then we surprisingly saw an influx in one itemers. 


After 40 minutes of tanking 1 itemers Vengeance numbers dropped and we decided we weren't there to tank crystal bows, so called GF. This is where it gets messy: I can guarantee we didn't call any raggers, and in my footage of the fight its very obvious that the 1 itemers were focussing Vengeance members. 


It is what it is, fights like this are never decisive, but up until those 1 itemers attended the fight Vengeance were way out in front.


Regardless of the 'we won, no we won, no you brought raggers' debate, I loved the fight and can speak for every Veng member when I say we love the competition.


Vengeance, Im extremely proud of every member that put a shift in tonight. I could go into detail but its 03:00am and I still have to edit the video. I made my views clear in TS and if we keep performing and growing like this, there will be no stopping us. Lastly, RIP my BGS. #VengUp








​Getting to grips with this new editing software.





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