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Total Domination

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Everything posted by Total Domination

  1. Both demo and vision dead af. 

  2. Thoughts on breaking? Big spam we don't break but break 2 hours later...
  3. lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo highlight of the day.. @chris chocking and meth head jesse has to take over
  4. I'll keep it short and simple. The reason us in BU decided to released Saturday audio of demo to prove how shitty their quality is and how sad demo has to hold hands with visdead to take on BU. Us in BU can take one 2, 3 teams/clans with no problem. our quality is beyond these kids. Enjoy Meth head jesse cringe voice and the retard ranks. Highlight of the vid: AWKWARD SILENCE OFF VISION X4 GETTING SMOKED BY BU WEAK SPAMS MEMBERS SKIPPING CHRIS CHOCKING NOBODY CALLING AND MANY MORE ENJOY
  5. ur all trash. ur already 0-3 against bu. ll0000l0l0l0l
  6. Lol why is this mute trying to organize shit. Xlpc will be closed soon. Ur welcome
  7.  @Jens  please stop making fking retarted youtube videos about ur fking no gear gmaul specs .....seariously looking at ur picture i would think you got a little bit more brains than that .....Thats just fking saad seariously....  Stop this saad ass no gear gmaul specs all day long....And then u make a video when u bring like 1 pray pot and 4 freezes......this cunt rags 24/7 in rev cave with no fking gear and only gmaul specs and tellies out when it doesnt work.... Get a grip jenss please stop beeing such a fking little prick!
    @Jens will you end this madness? and get some respect for the game and no more vids like this? :D:D
    I dont care if he kills me just saying its fking sad. smile

  8. really??? because my intel shows it was before trip lmfaooo look at the time stamp.... this is me posting it in my intel channel so... stfu l0l
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