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Everything posted by Figment

  1. Wish this was the Era of real wars some full outs and brown sticky stuff not this weenie stuff.
  2. Figment

    Clan Package

    Duval still at it ayy.
  3. Fi making up stories about loot, while Misfits is getting the loot lmao. How can they speak after months of losing... Hope they can hold up against this rivalry building be ashame to watch them sink again.
  4. Fi seems confused. Grats on the action today Misfits.
  5. Maybe a fresh start with new people will be good, these days my friends are spread through almost every clan. Can't say anything but wish everyone goodluck and make sure your having fun.
  6. he's had fun on like 6+ other trips, your gunna have days you don't enjoy. Fi should know especially lol... Fi literally had a month of getting beat by the bottom feeding clans. . .
  7. So long Rage, shoutout to my Rage homies
  8. Doing the impossible, breaking the unbreakable. #Misfits
  9. Well done we duh beez kneez.
  10. sick penis tree, grats on the lvl!
  11. Misfits have been fkn brown sticky stuff up since we've opened my goodness. Carry on brothers.
  12. G i was flinging people in the air for like a hour straight coins were falling from the sky like crazy. Get your main in Ruin now these mains are donating forreal lmao.
  13. vs gfx look different i like it.
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