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  1. Decided to setup a fight with DF north of 50s in a 2K world with pretty much sole intentions of baiting Anti Rev to crash us. To our surprise (not really) they (6 clans) ALL came up in 1 item. We cleared them north of 50s like 6 times and then cleared them west of castle another 4x before taking our endings and restarting our fight in another spot that to this day Anti Rev never enjoyed fighting us in, KBD. We fought for another 30 minutes and Anti Rev tried to be productive and crash but what they didn't realize is that having 10 minute regroup returns is not the way to effect a fight. We cleared them up one last time waited around for them for 10 minutes (in a fall in) but I guess their stamina was gone so we took our final ending, claiming victory once again. Let me remind everyone that we (alone) 1 itemed CT every trip they had and even with 6 clans on us or "saving" them we managed to still end every single one of their trips in under 15 minutes and we closed them in the same year. If you need lessons on how to properly 1 item or if you want to make 1B/week while you 1 item: JAY#3067 or Fel#4603
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