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Everything posted by okedoke

  1. iT's A fAkE eNdiNg (except you can still see the Z corpses on the ground). Oops didn't think that one through did you... Who is Z trying to convince? Every single video, even their own, shows Z running to 30 LMAO. You're only fooling yourselves, it's time to stop.
  2. Fucking hilarious that Z topic admits to fleeing south and getting cleared. All topic videos (even theirs) shows them getting bullied off GDZ, Callisto and then Vetion. Stay free Z. GDZ is loc. Gorillas on top again.
  3. bop in a box Imagine jumping OG up 10 opts after we've been fighting for 20 minutes at bandits and still getting bopped back to edge. Don't be fooled by single 4 minute videos. Join OG today!
  4. Why is always that OG's video is like 15 minutes long and the once a month BP video is always like 3 minutes long; plagued with over editing and fake headlines that other videos clearly prove wrong? How long can propaganda keep a clan alive... OG still on top
  5. I wonder why BP's videos are so heavily cut, especially near the end? Oh, OG has a video showing why. Cleared out of Alkharid (twice yikes), and caught in Edge bank! Please BP, stop faking endings. You've been caught so many times it's starting to lose it's entertainment value and getting downright sad. Absolutely unbiased opinion: OG on top.
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